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Nonprofit and Faith Based Partnership

Community Partnerships

The Office of Health Equity (OHE) is building on current partnerships and creating new ones to help the most vulnerable communities across Pennsylvania.

Commonwealth Faith-Based Coalition

Mission Statement: Use the power of community trust in statewide faith-based organizations to address and weaken the negative effects of health inequities and ensure that communities have a fair access to resources or support to healthcare services.

Meetings are held monthly. If you are a leader in your faith community or house of worship, please join us.

Rural Pennsylvania Outreach Partnership

Please see below for a COVID-19 Safety Toolkit created by the Pennsylvania Office of Rural Health for leaders and members of faith-based communities. This toolkit consists of health promotion strategies that may assist rural churches on addressing the spread of infectious diseases such as COVID-19.

Rural Pennsylvania COVID-19 Faith Toolkit

Office of Health Equity Latino Advisory Committee

The OHE’s Latino Advisory Committee is a statewide group for community leaders who understand Latino needs and culture. The group guides the OHE on matters that impact this growing population.

Latino Advisory Committee Goals:

  • Find and share "best practices" for improving the quality of life among Latinos at the local, statewide, and national levels.
  • Identify if local communities have a fair access to resources and the ability to address Latino health concerns.
  • Work with key partners to agree on the main health challenges that Latinos face and use evidence-based tools to handle these issues:
    • Specific health concerns and broader social determinants of health factors such as access to public/private healthcare services, mental health programs, workplace health and safety, etc.
    • Issues related to Latino communities and migrant health centers, language barriers, and discrimination.
  • Advocate for policies and practices that effectively reach Pennsylvania’s Latino communities.
  • Reach out to community-based organizations, committees, and state agencies (e.g. Governor’s Advisory Commission on Latino Affairs) to share ideas and best-practices related to reducing health injustices in Latino communities.

For more information on the Latino Advisory Committee, contact Christina Gareis at cgareis@pa.gov.