Community Partnerships
The Office of Health Equity (OHE) is building on current partnerships and creating new ones to help the most vulnerable communities across Pennsylvania.
Commonwealth Faith-Based Coalition
Mission Statement: Use the power of community trust in statewide faith-based organizations to address and weaken the negative effects of health inequities and ensure that communities have a fair access to resources or support to healthcare services.
Meetings are held monthly. If you are a leader in your faith community or house of worship, please join us.
Rural Pennsylvania Outreach Partnership
Please see below for a COVID-19 Safety Toolkit created by the Pennsylvania Office of Rural Health for leaders and members of faith-based communities. This toolkit consists of health promotion strategies that may assist rural churches on addressing the spread of infectious diseases such as COVID-19.
Rural Pennsylvania COVID-19 Faith Toolkit
Office of Health Equity Latino Advisory Committee
The OHE’s Latino Advisory Committee is a statewide group for community leaders who understand Latino needs and culture. The group guides the OHE on matters that impact this growing population.
Latino Advisory Committee Goals:
- Find and share "best practices" for improving the quality of life among Latinos at the local, statewide, and national levels.
- Identify if local communities have a fair access to resources and the ability to address Latino health concerns.
- Work with key partners to agree on the main health challenges that Latinos face and use evidence-based tools to handle these issues:
- Specific health concerns and broader social determinants of health factors such as access to public/private healthcare services, mental health programs, workplace health and safety, etc.
- Issues related to Latino communities and migrant health centers, language barriers, and discrimination.
- Advocate for policies and practices that effectively reach Pennsylvania’s Latino communities.
- Reach out to community-based organizations, committees, and state agencies (e.g. Governor’s Advisory Commission on Latino Affairs) to share ideas and best-practices related to reducing health injustices in Latino communities.
For more information on the Latino Advisory Committee, contact Christina Gareis at