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Birth centers provide care before, during and after delivery to low risk mothers-to-be.  The centers are designed and equipped to provide care for the mother and newborn in a home-like setting and includes accommodations for support persons during the birthing process. Birthing services are provided in a building organized to provide necessary staff and facilities to support the birthing process. These services are limited to mothers-to-be who do not have medical conditions that may complicate the birth.  Women with complications must be transferred to a hospital to handle the accompanying risks for the mother and child.

The Department of Health licenses and surveys birth centers to assure care is provided within health and safety standards established by rule and statute.  The department enforces these standards by annually conducting surveys of the centers.

Provider Information

In order to meet the life safety requirements of the regulations, contact:
Mr. Charles Schlegel, Director
Division of Safety Inspection
2525 N 7th Street
Harrisburg, PA 17110​
​Phone: 717-787-1911 or visit the building safety page.

Architectural construction plans for your proposed facility must be submitted to the Division of Safety Inspection for review and approval.

Application for State Licensure

To apply for licensure of a birth center in Pennsylvania, please complete the form below.

Birth Center Application

Email ra-dhhlicenquestions@pa.gov
Be sure to include your agency’s name in the memo section. Mail the initial application fee to:

Please note change of address
Pennsylvania Department of Health
Division of Home Health
2525 N 7th Street
Harrisburg, PA 17110​