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A Population is a group of human beings living in a given geographic area, who can be characterized by various attributes, such as, age, sex, race, income, or education. Population data are often used as the denominator in the calculation of various health-related rates or statistics.

Department of Health Data

EDDIE(opens in a new tab)
See Population dataset.
Pennsylvania Vital Statistics(opens in a new tab)
An annual report of births, deaths, abortion, pregnancy, and population statistics.
County Health Profiles(opens in a new tab)
A series of county-specific reports that contain numerous statistics for various health-related subject areas.
Maternal and Child Health Status Indicators
(opens in a new tab)
Reports focused on maternal and child health issues including deaths among children, infant deaths, child poverty, and birth data.
Minority Health Disparities
(opens in a new tab)
This report focuses on significant differences among races/ethnicities for selected health topics.

External Data Sources

Pennsylvania State Data Center(opens in a new tab)

Factfinder for the Nation (US Census  Bureau)(opens in a new tab)