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Department of Health Dashboards

Adult Blood Lead Epidemiology & Surveillance (ABLES) Dashboard

This dashboard displays public health data pertaining to adult workers who are exposed to lead in Pennsylvania. 

Cancer Statistics Dashboard

This dashboard is an interactive tool for exploring different facets of cancer among Pennsylvanians. 

Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) Dashboard

This dashboard displays HAB-related water sampling data from 2018 – present.

Health Care Workforce Dashboard

This dashboard is a statewide profile of Pennsylvania's health professional workforce, and reflects self-reported survey responses captured at the time of practitioner license renewal.

Newborn Screening Dashboards

These dashboards present clinical data collected as part of the newborn screening and confirmatory testing done in Pennsylvania. 

Office of Drug Surveillance and Misuse Prevention Dashboards

These dashboards give an interactive look at controlled substance prescribing and drug overdose trends at the state and county level, and prescribing trends by provider category at the state level.

Pennsylvania Wastewater Surveillance System (PaWSS) Dashboard

This dashboard shows trends of SARS-CoV-2, Influenza A, and RSV found in wastewater samples from locations across Pennsylvania. 

Respiratory Virus Dashboard

This dashboard provides a weekly report of flu and RSV activity in Pennsylvania.

State Health Assessment (SHA) Dashboard​

This dashboard includes visualizations of selected health statistics for the state and counties, with corresponding demographics.

Tickborne Diseases Dashboard

This dashboard provides information on tick disease prevalance in Pennsylvania, including case counts across Pennsylvania and cases per 100,000 residents per county.

Violence Dashboard

This dashboard is an interactive tool designed to display aggregated statistics for hospital discharge reasons and causes of deaths in Pennsylvania.