Click on the form name to access the applicable form. Mail a completed copy to the Division of Vital Records.
- Adoptee's Application for Noncertified Copy of Original Birth Record
- Advocate Letter Template
- Application for a Birth Certificate
- Application for a Birth Certificate with Fees Waived for an Individual Who is Experiencing Homelessness
- Application for a Birth Certificate with Fees Waived for Foster and Juvenile Justice-Involved Individuals
- Application for a Death Certificate
- Application for a Fetal Death Certificate
- Application for a Stillborn Birth Certificate
- Application for a Birth Certificate with Fees Waived for an Individual Affected by an Opioid Use Disorder
- Application for a Birth Certificate with Fees Waived Under the Disaster Declaration for a Natural Disaster
- Authorization to Mail Certificate to Temporary Address due to a Recent Natural Disaster
- Delayed Report of Live Birth
- Gender Reassignment Sample Letter Template
- Multi-year Birth Application
- Multi-year Death Application
- Name Redaction Request
- Report of a Child Born Abroad
- Request to Amend a Death Record
- Request to Modify an Infant's Birth Record (Age Less Than 1 Year Old)
- Request to Modify an Infant's Birth Record (Age Less Than 1 Year Old) - Spanish
- Request to Modify a Child's Birth Record (Age 1 Year to Less Than 7 Years Old)
- Request to Modify a Child's Birth Record (Age 1 Year to Less Than 7 Years Old) - Spanish
- Request to Modify a Preadolescent Child's Birth Record (Age 7 Years to Less Than 14 Years Old)
- Request to Modify a Preadolescent Child's Birth Record (Age 7 Years to Less Than 14 Years Old) - Spanish
- Request to Modify a Teenage Child's Birth Record (Age 14 Years to Less Than 18 Years Old)
- Request to Modify a Teenage Child's Birth Record (Age 14 Years to Less Than 18 Years Old) - Spanish
- Request to Modify an Adult's Birth Record (Age 18 Years Old and Above)
- Request to Modify an Adult's Birth Record (Age 18 Years Old and Above) - Spanish
- Request to Modify Parentage on a Birth Record
- Request to Modify Parentage on a Birth Record - Spanish
- Solicitud de un Certificado de Defuncion
- Solicitud de un Certificado de Nacimiento
- Statement of Citizenship and Residency