- TB Education
- TB Guidelines
- TB and HIV Coinfection Guidelines
- CDC Infographics
- CDC Factsheets
- TB Newsletter Articles
Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
TB Education
- TB 101 for Health Care Workers
- Interactive Core Curriculum on Tuberculosis: What the Clinician Should Know (web based)
- Self-Study Modules on Tuberculosis
- TB in Specific Populations
- Latent TB Infection: A Guide for Primary Health Care Providers
- Centers of Excellence TB Training and Education Products
- Videos
- Screening for TB Infection (TBI) – this video discusses targeted testing, high risk groups for exposure to TB, and testing methods (6.35 minutes).
- Diagnosis of TB Infection (TBI) – this video compares TBI to TB disease, discusses testing methods including interferon gamma-release assay tests (IGRAs), special circumstances and medical evaluation (11.05 minutes).
- Treatment of TB Infection (TBI) – This video reviews TBI treatment regimens, including the once-weekly, 12-dose regimen, recent guidelines, special circumstances, adverse effects and adherence (15.09) minutes
TB Guidelines
- Guidelines for the Treatment of LTBI (2/20)
- Treatment of Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis (11/2019)
- Diagnosis of Tuberculosis in Children and Adults (01/2017)
- Treatment of Drug-Susceptible Tuberculosis (08/2016)
- Recommendations for Use of an Isoniazid-Rifapentine Regimen with Direct Observation to Treat Latent TB Infection - begins on page 10 (12/2011)
- Updated Guidelines for Using Interferon Gamma-Release Assays to Detect Mycobacterium tuberculosis Infection (06/2010)
- Prevention and Control of Tuberculosis in Correctional and Detention Facilities (07/2006)
- Guidelines for the Investigation of Contacts of Persons with Infectious Tuberculosis (12/2005)
- Treatment of Tuberculosis (06/2003)
TB and HIV Coinfection Guidelines
- Managing Drug Interactions in the Treatment of HIV-Related Tuberculosis (06/2013)
- Guidelines for the Prevention and Treatment of Opportunistic Infections Among HIV-Exposed and HIV-Infected Children (03/2009)
- Guidelines for Prevention and Treatment of Opportunistic Infections in HIV-Infected Adults and Adolescents (03/2009)
CDC Factsheets for Health Care Providers
- Tuberculin Skin Test
- Interferon Gamma-Release Assay (IGRA) Blood Test
- Diagnosing TB Disease
- Treatment of TB Disease
- Treatment of TB Disease in Patients Co-infected with HIV
- Infection Control in Health Care Settings
TB Program Newsletter Articles
- Diabetes and Tuberculosis
- Flight Investigations and the Do Not Board List
- LTBI Once Weekly Regimen
- New Guidelines for the Diagnosis of TB
- Pediatric Tuberculosis
- Tips for Giving Meds to Pediatric TB Patients
- USPSTF Recommends LTBI Screening
- CDC Recommends Testing TB Patients for HIV
- Updated Recommendations for Use of an IGRA in Children
- CDC Updates Recommendations for Using Isoniazid Plus Rifapentine to Treat LTBI
- Cross-Cultural Care
- FDA Approves Pretomanid
- CDC Updates Recommendations for TB Testing of Health Care Personnel
- New Guidelines for the Treatment of Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis
- Providing TB Services During a Public Health Emergency
- COVID Threatens Decades of Progress Towards Eliminating TB
- Is a 4-Month Regimen to Treat Drug-Susceptible TB on the Horizon?
New: Virtual Latent TB Infection Toolkit
The virtual toolkit includes educational materials about latent TB infection (LTBI) for primary care providers and patients that can be downloaded from this website.
2020 Guidelines for the Treatment of LTBI
The 2020 guidelines are the first comprehensive update to U.S. LTBI treatment guidelines since 2000.
Materials Available from the Pennsylvania TB Program
TB Risk Assessment Forms and User Guides
- Adult TB Risk Assessment and User Guide
A simple tool to help health care providers identify adults for TB testing - Pediatric TB Risk Assessment and User Guide
A simple tool to help health care providers identify children for TB testing - Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (NAAT) factsheet
A rapid molecular test to detect M. tuberculosis - Think TB … Test for TB!
A poster developed for physician offices, clinics and emergency rooms.
Related Resources