What are ticks?
Learn more about the ticks that can be found in Pennsylvania, especially the deer tick which transmits over 99% of tickborne diseases in Pennsylvania.
Where can ticks be found?
Learn where ticks are most likely to be found and areas you should avoid or take precautions to avoid tick bites.
How can tick bites be prevented before going outside?
Learn the best ways to prevent tick bites before you even go outside to work or play.
How can risk for tickborne diseases and tick bites be reduced after spending time outdoors?
Learn how steps can be taken to reduce your risks for tick bites and getting a tickborne disease once you come inside after working or playing outdoors.
What are the signs and symptoms of Lyme disease?
What are the signs and symptoms of Lyme disease? Unlisted pacastcms 4.74K subscribers Subscribe 0 Share Save 122 views Jul 13, 2023 Learn about the signs and symptoms you can watch for after spending time outdoors and all year round that may be related to Lyme disease.