List of Appendices

Appendix 01HMO Act (40 P.S. 1551-1568)
Appendix 02Department of Health HMO Regulations
Appendix 03Insurance Department HMO Regulations
Appendix 04Insurance Department Accident and Health Filing Reform Act (40 P.S. 3801-3815)
Appendix 05Certificate of Authority Application Cover Sheet
Appendix 06Crosswalk Forms for Department of Health Requirements
Appendix 07Insurance Department Checklist - Guidelines/Technical Advice Regarding Health Insurance Forms
Appendix 08Guidelines/Technical Advice in Developing Provider Contracts
Appendix 09Insurance Department List of Mandated Health Insurance Benefits
Appendix 10Department of Health and Insurance Department Statements of Policy on Integrated Delivery Systems
Appendix 11Department of Health Advisory Regarding HMO Contracting to Serve Medical Assistance Patients
Appendix 12Department of Health Technical Advisory Regarding Exemption Requests for CRNPs to Serve as Primary Care Providers
Appendix 13Guidelines, Procedures and Regulations for Developing a Member Grievance System
Appendix 14Guidelines/Technical Advice in Developing a Quality Assurance Plan
Appendix 15Guidelines for Developing Credentialing System
Appendix 16General Outline and Agenda for Department of Health On-Site Review
Appendix 17Department of Health HMO Quarterly and Annual Reporting Instructions and Forms
Appendix 18Department of Health and Insurance Department Joint Policy Statement - HMO Point-of-Service Products and Gatekeeper PPOs
Appendix 19Insurance Department Memo Regarding Minimum Capital and Surplus Requirements for Licensure of HMOs
Appendix 20Insurance Department Guidelines/Technical Advice Regarding the Development of a Business Plan for Newly Formed HMOs
Appendix 21Insurance Department Guidelines/Technical Advice Regarding Rates
Appendix 22General Outline and Agenda for Insurance Department Organizational Exam
Appendix 23Department of Health List of Approved External Quality Review Organizations
Appendix 24Department of Health List and Insurance Department Service Area Expansion Guidelines

Questions regarding specific applications should be addressed to or 717-787-2735.