EPDD is comprised of an interdisciplinary team of environmental professionals with expertise in the physical, natural, and social sciences. This divsionis responsible for expediting project and program delivery by providing technical assistance, quality assurance, resource-specific policy and guidance development, and resource agency coordination and liaison. EPDD also is responsible for the development and management of state and federal environmental resource programs aimed at streamlining the environmental process and enhancing quality of life. This section performs document reviews; reviews and comments on proposed state and federal regulations; conducts environmental studies and analysis; develops, trains, and implements resource-specific guidance and policy; and spearheads related technology development and implementation.
Environmental Policy
Environmental Documentation
Environmental Justice
Air Quality
Cultural Resources
Highway Traffic Noise
Hydrology and Hydraulics
Indirect and Cumulative Effects
Streams and Wetlands
Section 4(f)/Section 2002
Section 6(f) Recreation Grants
Threatened and Endangered Species
Wildlife Crossings
Drew Ames | Division Chief | 717-705-1481 | johname@pa.gov |
Madeline Giamarino | Administrative Assistant | 717-787-1024 | mgiamarino@pa.gov |
Nicole Auker | Unit Leader | 717-787-0460 | nauker@pa.gov |
Vacant | Environmental Supervisor | | |
James Spatz | Environmental Planner | 717-787-5306 | jspatz@pa.gov |
Corey Brown | Environmental Planner | 717-346-7674 | corebrown@pa.gov |
Bryon Ruhl | Natural Resource Specialist | 717-787-0457 | bruhl@pa.gov |
Jesse Sabitsky | Natural Resource Specialist | 717-787-5054 | jesabitsky@pa.gov |
Host/ Paired District | ||||
C.O. | Kara Russell | Cultural Resources Program Manager | 717-705-1484 | krussell@pa.gov |
C.O. | Hannah Harvey | Archaeologist/Tribal Liaison/ PATH Administrator | 717-214-8738 | hharvey@pa.gov |
5-0 | Kristina Thompson | Architectural Historian Supervisor | 610-871-4459 | krthompson@pa.gov |
C.O. | Emily Rebert | Historic Bridge Program Manager | 717-787-2277 | emrebert.pa.gov |
Architectural History Staff | ||||
Kristina Thompson | Team Leader | 610-871-4459 | krthompson@pa.gov | |
1-0/ 2-0 | Don Burden | Architectural Historian | 814-678-7194 | doburden@pa.gov |
3-0/ 4-0 | Heather Gerling | Architectural Historian | 570-368-4414 | hgerling@pa.gov |
6-0 | Monica Harrower | Architectural Historian | 610-205-6709 | mharrower@pa.gov |
8-0 | Veronica Martin | Architectural Historian | 717-705-1482 | vermartin@pa.gov |
11-0/ 10-0 | David Anthony | Architectural Historian | 412-429-4861 | davanthony@pa.gov |
12-0/ 9-0 | Keith Heinrich | Architectural Historian | 814-696-7684 | kheinrich@pa.gov |
Archaeology Staff | ||||
Vacant | Team Leader | |||
2-0/ 3-0 | Scott Shaffer | Archaeologist | 814-765-0456 | scoshaffer@pa.gov |
4-0 | Vacant | |||
8-0/ 5-0 | Steve McDougal | Archaeologist | 717-783-5148 | smcdougal@pa.gov |
9-0/ 12-0 | Catherine Nadals | Archaeologist | cnadals@pa.gov | |
10-0 | Susanne Haney | Archaeologist/PHAST Manager | 724-357-2081 | suhaney@pa.gov |
11-0/ 1-0 | T. Arron Kotlensky | Archaeologist | 412-429-4998 | tkotlensky@pa.gov |
6-0 | Mike Lenert | Archaeologist | 484-533-2521 | c-milenert@pa.gov |
Nick Vivian | Unit Leader | 717-787-3590 | nvivian@pa.gov |
Steve Hichens | Senior Civil Engineer Hydrologist | 717-214-7027 | shichens@pa.gov |
Brenda Stouffer | Senior Civil Engineer Hydrologist | 717-705-1333 | brenstouff@pa.gov |