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Project Overview
County: Erie
State Route: 0090
Local Name: Interstate 90
Project Type: Roadway Reconstruction and Preservation, Bridge Replacement
Construction Start: 2019
Proposed Construction End: 2029
Last Updated: 03/11/2025
PennDOT will reconstruct or restore approximately 28 miles of I-90 in 10 years through a series of contracts.
The first project started in 2019 and focused on reconstructing I-90 from the Ohio state line to mile marker 3.5 near the Route 6N exits in Springfield Township, as well as paving from mile maker 10.5 to mile marker 18. It was completed in 2021.
A second contract to reconstruct from mile marker 3.5 and to near mile marker 10.5 in Springfield Township, Girard Township, and Platea Borough is expected for to done from 2021 to 2024.
Another contract included repaving 10 miles of I-90 in Harborcreek, Greenfield and North East townships from the I-86 interchange to the New York state line was done from 2021 to 2023.
Also in 2022, resurfacing was done from mile miler 18 to mile marker 23. The project includes paving, new guiderail, concrete patching, and updated pavement markings and signs.
The early design phase for a project focused on the reconstruction of mile marker 10.5 to mile marker 18 is underway and construction tentatively planned to get underway in 2028.
Contact Information
Doug Fry
Assistant Construction Executive
Jill Harry
Press Officer
Project Updates & Press Releases
02/14/2025 Beckman Road Bridge over Interstate 90 in Erie County to Remain Closed Following Crash The bridge that carries Beckman Road over Interstate 90 in Girard Township, Erie County will remain closed after being struck by a semi-truck earlier today. In response to the crash, maintenance crews from the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation’s (PennDOT) Erie facility shut down traffic on the bridge and placed a lane restriction on the westbound lanes of I-90 to allow department bridge inspectors to visit the site and assess potential damage. Inspectors determined several beams suffered significant damage and the bridge should remain closed for the safety of the traveling public.
10/12/2023 Shapiro Administration Announces Major Work Wrapping up Early on Interstate 90 Reconstruction Project
Project Details
The $66.1 million project, which is considered phases 2 and 3 of a long-term reconstruction plan, includes the 6.85-mile section of I-90 beginning near mile marker 3.5 and extending east to near mile marker 10.5, located in Springfield Township, Girard Township, and Platea Borough. Work included the replacement or rehabilitation of five bridges and teardrop roundabouts at the Route 18 interchange.
Throughout the project, work will also include updates to the drainage, guiderail, cable median barrier, highway lighting, and pavement markings. Lane closures and traffic control will be needed on the interstate and adjacent roads throughout the project.
Work in 2021 included construction of the new Route 215 bridge; intersection improvements at Underridge Road and Rea Road; emergency removal of the Route 18 bridge, preliminary work on the new Route 18 bridge; a highspeed cross-over near mile marker 9.5, and preservation work on the McKee Road bridge.
In 2022, work included the reconstruction of the eastbound lanes of I-90, the completion of the Route 18 bridge and two teardrop roundabouts at Exit 9, and the replacement of the eastbound bridge over Neiger Road.
In 2023, the project included the reconstruction of the westbound lanes of I-90 and the replacement of the westbound bridge over Neiger Road. All major work on the project will wrap up this year.
In 2024, work included installing cable median barrier, landscaping, and other project finishing activities.
The early design phase for a project focused on the reconstruction of mile marker 10.5 to mile marker 18 is underway and construction tentatively planned to get underway in 2027. This project includes the reconstruction of approximately 7.5 miles of I-90 from just east of the Route 18 interchange to just east of the Route 832/Sterrettania Road interchange. As part of this project, the Beckman Road Bridge over I-90 will be replaced as well as the I-90 easbound and westbound bridges over Franklin Road.
An in-person public meeting for the Beckman Road bridge portion of the project was held on December 15, 2022. Upon completion of that meeting and further evaluation of the data for the bridge, it was decided to replace the structure as part of this phase of work.
This multi-year project improved nearly 11 miles of Interstate 90 in Summit, Springfield, Girard, and Fairview townships in Erie County.
The $37.6 million project included the removal and replacement of the Huntley Road (Route 3012) Bridge in Springfield Township, Erie County. The new concrete bridge, which offers a higher clearance height for traffic on I-90, was opened on October 11, 2019.
Preservation work from mile marker 10 to mile marker 18 in Girard and Fairview townships and the creations of high-speed crossovers needed for the second year of the project was also completed during the 2019 construction season.
Work to pave the westbound lanes from the Ohio/Pennsylvania state line to just east of the Route 6N exits was completed during the 2021 construction season.
Along with reconstructing the roadway, work included the installation of a new right-of-way fence and cable median barrier, brush removal, updated guiderail, and signs, as well as the design and construction of new sign foundations.
The $6.4 million resurfacing project included milling, paving and concrete patch repairs from mile marker 18 to mile marker 23 in McKean and Summit townships, Erie County. It included the Exit 18 ramps for (Route 832, Sterrettania) and the Interstate 79 interchange. Work included upgrades to drainage, guiderail, signing and pavement markings. The project was completed in the 2022 construction season and included nighttime work.
The approximately $18 million, multi-year project includes repaving more than 10 miles of I-90 in Harborcreek, Greenfield, and North East townships from the I-86 interchange at mile marker 35 to the New York state line.
The project includes repairs to the culvert that carries I-90 over 16 Mile Creek near Exit 41 (Route 89) North East Township.
In 2022, work included milling, paving, bridge repairs, and drainage upgrades on the east and westbound lanes from mile marker 35 near the Interstate 86 interchange to the New York Line.
The third year of the project will include only a few minor finishing activities, as the project's major work was completed a year early.
The project documents can be made available in alternative languages or formats if requested. If you need translation or interpretation services, have special needs, or have concerns that require individual attention, please contact the PennDOT Project Manager listed above.
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Pursuant to the Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, PennDOT does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, age, or disability. If you feel that you have been denied the benefits of, or participation in a PennDOT program or activity, you may contact the PennDOT, Bureau of Equal Opportunity, DBE/Title VI Division at 717-787-5891.