Project Status

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Project Overview

County: Butler
State Route: 3020
Local Name: Freedom Road
Project Type: Roadway Improvement
Start Month: March 2022
End Month: Spring 2023
Cost: $9.8 million
Contractor: Gulisek Construction, LLC
Last Updated: 1/17/2023


The Haine School Road to Commonwealth Drive section of the project includes realigning the roadway and adding new turning lanes in addition to other safety improvements. 

The Haine School Road to Beaver County section is the third project on the corridor. Improvements include new pavement and turning lanes, widening, multimodal improvements, drainage, signal upgrade/replacement, and lighting work with service and access roads, highway realignment, sidewalks, and other safety improvements. The project started with tree trimming and survey layout for utility moves are anticipated for the Summer of 2023.

Both of these projects are a continuation of the Freedom Road Turnpike Bridge project and are part of the overall initiative to update the Freedom Road Corridor.

For information on the project located on Freedom Road in Beaver County, please visit the page here.

Contact Information

Carl Ray
Construction Project Manager

Tina Gibbs
Press Office


The project documents can be made available in alternative languages or formats if requested. If you need translation or interpretation services, have special needs, or have concerns that require individual attention, please contact the PennDOT Project Manager listed above.

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