District 10 Projects - Butler

Route 228 Corridor Improvement Projects

Project Overview

Balls Bend Project Information

County: Butler
State Route: 228
Local Name: Balls Bend
Project Type: Safety Improvement
Start Month: February 2021
End Month: January 2025

Balls Bend Project Statistics

Cost: $55.89 million
Contractor: Independence Excavating

Three Degree Project Information

County: Butler
State Route: 228
Project Type: Safety Improvement
Start Month: December 2022
End Month: November 2026

Three Degree Project Statistics

Cost: $26.55 million
Contractor: Independence Excavating

​The Route 228 Corridor Improvement Projects are aimed at updating the safety and efficiency of the route from its intersection with Route 8 to Route 19. The project includes multiple projects such as the Balls Bend Safety Improvement project and the Three Degree Road project.

Project Information

Balls Bend Project

The Balls Bend Safety Improvement Project on Route 228 in Middlesex Township, Butler County is a major realignment project involving the addition of a travel lane in each direction and a center turn lane (5-lane typical section). The project also includes the construction of four new structures and realigned local road connections, new signalized intersection, jughandles, stream realignments and other miscellaneous construction. 

The $26.55 million project began in February 2021 and is expected to last through January 2025.

Balls Bend new roadway overview
EB Widening
G2 Splice

Balls Bend Project Updates


The Balls Bend Safety Improvement Project is entering the final phase of construction.  Line painting and signal work will begin April 10 at 8:00 PM, weather permitting.  The new left turn lane onto Park Road will become active during this time. ​There will be nighttime flagging with single lane closures on April 15, 2024, on Route 228 at the Harbison Road and Park Road intersection.

Once fully implemented, traffic will be changing from a single lane to one lane eastbound and one lane westbound across the bridge near Davis Road.  


From October 2 through October 16, Davis Road will be closed with a detour from Forsythe Road to Route 228 as the construction of a new roadway alignment and connection to Route 228 begins. Access to Davis Road will be limited to local residents only from Route 228 to Forsythe Road.  To access  Route 228 from Davis Road, traffic will be routed to Forsythe Road, onto Harbison Road then onto Route 228. 


Harbison Road will be closed for 42 days, July 31 through September 11, to construct the new jughandle at Harbison Road.  A jughandle is a type of ramp which allows drivers to change directions without stops to the flow of traffic. Instead of making a left turn from the left lane, drivers use a ramp on the right side of the road that takes you off the road you're currently traveling on and loops you back around to merge with traffic.  The idea is to keep traffic moving continuously, relieving congestion and delays.

The closure will be between intersection of Harbison Road and Route 228 to Forsythe Road.  Local residents will have access during construction.  To access Harbison from Route 228 traffic will continue west on Route 228 to Davis Road, turn right onto Forsythe Road and enter Harbison Road.

Work will include grading and paving operations to connect the newly constructed jughandle at Harbison Road to the new alignment of Route 228 across existing Harbison Road. 


The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) is alerting drivers to upcoming lane changes on Route 228 July 24 through 28, 2023.  Between the intersections of Route 228 with Park Road and Officer Edward Brooks Drive, the contractor will be making lane changes with a crossover near Orchard Lane.  Single lane closures will occur nightly, weather dependent. There will be temporary impacts to Davis Road during the work, but access will be maintained to Davis Road at all times.


On May 10, 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM, steel girders will be delivered travelling from I-79 to Route 228 to the project site. The new 180-foot-long bridge will contain nine steel girders with each one being shipped in two pieces due to the overall length. The girders are scheduled to be set in place on the new bridge abutments May 11 to 13, 2022.

During the delivery, traffic will be stopped by flaggers in each direction intermittently to ensure the trucks can safely enter the work site.  Motorists should expect delays near the between Weatherburn Drive and Park Road on Route 228.

Three Degree Road Project

This roadway improvement project connects into the five-lane Mars RR Project.  It addresses numerous driveway access points from the Mars RR Project east through the schools area; improves the Three Degree Road intersection; and connects to the Route 228/Balls Bend Project at the eastern limit of the project. 

Reconstruction of approximately 13,200 feet of road along Route 228 and 3,600 feet along Three Degree Road will occur. The proposed Route 228 template includes two through lanes in each direction as well as turn lanes at various signalized intersections. 

Select the image below to view a larger version of the overview, which may take a moment to load.

Several new township roads and extensions will be included to improve access along the corridor. These township roads are listed below from west to east: 

  • Township Road E - This new road will serve as a frontage road for properties along the south side of Route 228 and will connect into Route 228 via a new signalized intersection at relocated Brickyard Road. This will then eliminate the numerous driveways and left-turns in this area.
  • Township Road D - This extension of Gables Court will provide a new connection from Route 228 to Brickyard Road. This will also extend to connect Township Road E to Route 228 at a new signalized intersection. 
  • Township Road C - This road extends existing Brickyard Road in front of the Mars School Administration Building to the Mars Home for Youth property. It acts as a frontage road by eliminating all the school drives on the north side of Route 228 by providing them safer access through the new signalized intersection at Township Road D. 
  • Township Road K - This new road is located behind the Mars High School and serves as a new access point to facilitate full access as the 2 existing driveways along Route 228 will be restricted to right-in right-out access. Township Road K will access Three Degree Road via a roundabout located south of Route 228. 

The project also includes the installation of a shared-use path along the east side of Three Degree Road through the project limits.

The project is anticipated to be complete by late 2026.

Three Degree retaining wall
Three Degree drainage installation

Three Degree Road Project Updates​


​The new signalized intersection at Route 228/T-873 is tentatively scheduled to open at the end of April. On the north side of Route 228, new T-873 connects Route 228 to Brickyard Road leading to the MASD administrative building and primary center.

At the beginning of May, Independence will be implementing the Brickyard Road detour. Brickyard Road will be closed for reconstruction to all except local traffic. The detour is from where the new T-873 connects with Brickyard Road to its eastern most access to Route 228.

The detour will be in effect for 30 days. The detour map is below.  The slashed portion on Brickyard Road is the closed section. Access to Route 228 from Brickyard Road and the school's administrative building driveway will be shut down during this time. The two accesses from the existing primary center parking lot to Route 228 will remain open.

Following the completion of the Brickyard Road detour, work will begin east of the administrative building between Route 228 and the primary center. This work will consist of the primary center's new parking lot, sidewalks, and ADA accommodations.

During this time, access to the primary center shall be through Docs Way off of Three Degree Road. Prior to school returning, this work will be completed. Next school year access to the primary center will be from Brickyard Road.

In the area behind Mars High School, the new township road Milky Way is scheduled to open prior to next school year beginning. This road will be perpendicular to Three Degree Road across from Pine Drive and will connect to the back of the high school parking lot. 


Over the past few weeks, earthwork and drainage work continued along the new township roads south of existing Route 228 between the Mars Bethel Golf Course and Playful Pooch as well as east of the Valencia Sports Park across from Quality Gardens. 

A waterline is being installed across from the existing Marland Drive and a temporary concrete barrier was placed along the shoulder of existing  Route 228 across from Playful Pooch to near the newly paved, but unopen, Gables Court connection between Route 228 and Brickyard Road.

Work continued on the retaining wall across from the Adams Township Fire Department and drainage work began east of Officer Edward Brooks drive

Going forward into September and October, crews will be paving south of existing Route 228, widening the roadway, and installing a new signalized intersection.  


A long-term traffic control and detour will be in place for Officer Edward Brooks Drive from July 10 through August 8, 2023.  Motorists heading west on Route 228 should continue past Officer Edwards Brooks Drive to the intersection of Three Degree Road/Route 228. Once reaching the intersection, motorists should make a right turn to head north on Three Degree Road before making another right onto Davidson Road to connect to Officer Edwards Brooks Drive. Motorists heading east on Route 228 should make a left at the intersection of Route 228/Three Degree Road and then turn right to go north on Davidson Road to connect to Officer Edwards Brooks Drive.


Beginning April 4, 2023 crews will be placing barrier on the eastbound side of Route 228 near the Adams Area Fire District Firehouse to the intersection of Marland Drive. A temporary traffic signal will be installed on Route 228 at the entrance to Adams Area Fire District Firehouse.  An additional barrier will be installed on the westbound side of Route 228 near Office Edwards Brooks Drive. The barrier installations will allow for the continuous flow of traffic in each direction during daylight hours.  Work is anticipated to occur in two shifts 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM with no traffic impacts and from 8:00 PM to 6:00 AM with potential short-term delays.  Work is weather dependent.  The traffic control installation is estimated to be completed by April 7, 2023.​

Contact Information

Tina Gibbs
Press Office


The project documents can be made available in alternative languages or formats if requested. If you need translation or interpretation services, have special needs, or have concerns that require individual attention, please contact the PennDOT Project Manager listed above.