Allegheny County

​​Lebanon Church Road Improvement Project

Lebanon Church Road Project Location Map

Project Status

Step 1:

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Step 4:

Project Overview

County: Allegheny
Municipality: West Mifflin, Pleasant Hills, Baldwin boroughs and South Park Township
State Route: 2040
Local Name: Lebanon Church Road/Curry Hollow Road
Project Type: Improvement Project
Construction Start: 2024
Proposed Construction End: 2026
Last Updated: 03/25/2025

This project involves widening, resurfacing, and signal upgrades on SR 2040 Section A23 (Lebanon Church Road/Curry Hollow Road) from the intersection of Ceco Drive to the intersection of 2040 (Broughton Road) & Curry Road & Horning Road for an approximate length of 2.21 miles. The project is situated in West Mifflin, Pleasant Hills, Baldwin boroughs and South Park Township in Allegheny County.

 There will be widening at Glenburn Drive and Pleasant Hills Boulevard to construct new Eastbound/Westbound left turn lanes into both intersections from SR 2040. Similar widening will take place between the SR 51 cloverleaf interchange and Bliss Drive. Widening at this location is for new left-turn lanes from SR 2040 into Green Drive and Bliss Drive. Additional widening will take place at Keeport Drive and Keenan Drive for a new left-turn lane into Keeport Drive from SR 2040. Other construction work includes resurfacing, new adaptive traffic signal system, upgrades to drainage facilities, installation of stormwater management facilities, median upgrades, signing upgrades, structure repair (Cloverleaf structure), concrete patching, retaining walls, and other miscellaneous work. Right-of-Way acquisition will consist of small strip takes on the frontage of parcels along the corridor in the widening sections.

 Traffic through the construction project is anticipated to utilize a combination of short-term flagging operations and one-lane long term setups. Construction will be limited to nights, weekends, and off-peak hours work.

Public Outreach

Virtual Public Meeting

PennDOT District 11 held a public meeting in 2021 to discuss the ​​Lebanon Church Road Improvement Project. Click the button below to view a PDF of the presentation.

Contact Information

Derreck Poole
Project Manager

Mark Young
Environmental Planning Manager

Steve Cowan
Press Officer

Project Updates & Press Releases


The project documents can be made available in alternative languages or formats if requested. If you need translation or interpretation services, have special needs, or have concerns that require individual attention, please contact the PennDOT Project Manager listed above.

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