Project Status
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Project Overview
County: Fayette
State Route: 4038
Local Name: Layton Bridge
Project Type: Bridge Improvement & Replacement
Last Updated: 02/05/2025
Preservation Project
Preservation 2022
Between the 2022 and 2023 construction seasons, a preservation project provided for the Layton Tunnel, and for the Layton Bridge's contined, safe conveyance of traffic for its immediate future.
The scope of work consisted of repairing masonry elements at both portals of the tunnel, installing additional riser beams on the bridge floor system, mitigating deficiencies to the bridge timber sidewalk, repairing or replacing bridge joints, and performing concrete and steel repairs to the bridge deck, superstructure, and substructure.
The tunnel and bridge closed in summer 2022 and the roadway reopened to traffic on 08/27/2022. Additional repairs were identified and executed in early 2023.
Preservation 2024-2027
As Layton Bridge replacement plans progress through design, a project to maintain the current superstructure began 06/11/2024 and will continue until the new bridge is open.
The 2024-2027 preservation consists of both specific and as-needed repairs. Specific concrete and structural steel repairs to the superstructure, substructure, curb, and barriers are scheduled to be complete in 2024. The extent of potential as-needed repairs is subject to future inspections and analyses. Such work will be directed by PennDOT, with the aim of maintaining vehicular access to the bridge. This may include the installation and implementation of traffic signals at the near side of the tunnel and far side of the bridge.
Project Update
01/16/2025 - Work is in span 1 over the GAP Trail. Work is cancelled the week of Jan. 20 due to forecasted temps. The road is open to unrestricted traffic.
12/16/2024 - The contractor is on hiatus for materials procurement and the holiday season. The road is open to unrestricted traffic and work will resume the week of Jan. 6 on span 1 over the GAP trail.
Existing Structure
Replacement Project
Date to be determined.
The proposed replacement of the Layton Bridge, means to incorporate:
- Replacement of the single-span, single-lane bridge carrying Layton Road over Washington Run.
- Improvements to the associated roadway connecting the two structures, as both bridges were originally designed and utilized by a railroad.
With Layton Bridge on the National Register of Historic Places, PennDOT is required to adhere to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act.
The Historic Bridge Rehabilitation Analysis (HBRA) is required under the Section 106 process to investigate, analyze, and determine if it is possible to rehabilitate a historic bridge to meet the purpose and need of the project.
An Alternatives Analysis was prepared in late 2018, where various rehabilitation options and a full replacement alternative were compared. The analysis considered many factors, including ability to meet the projects’ purpose and need, environmental and property impacts, safety, constructability, and cost.
Comments were solicited and the reports amended as appropriate. PennDOT shared the aforementioned reports with various consulting parties, PA State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). The efforts were complete in fall 2020 with concurrence from PA SHPO and FHWA. Once all comments were addressed, a preferred alternative was selected in January 2021.
This project has substantially completed the Section 106 Historic Structure process in the preliminary engineering phase wherein the project team has completed efforts and submitted the Historic Bridge Rehabilitation Analysis (HBRA) and the Alternatives Analysis.
The selected option, currently in the preliminary engineering phase (as of May 2021) replaces the existing Layton Bridge with a new bridge slightly to the east. This will allow the existing bridge to remain open during construction. A letter of agreement with the FHWA, the PA SHPO, and PennDOT was fully executed on 09/30/2022 for mitigation of adverse effects created by the replacement of the Layton Bridge.
Detailed surveying and mapping of the project corridor was completed in fall 2021. Conceptual alignments were evaluated in advance of setting the preliminary line, grade & typical section of the roadway.
Further development of preliminary roadway plans and bridge concepts are ongoing. Final design will start once environmental clearance is achieved.
The bid date is to be determined.
Contact Information
Ryan J Thorn, P.E.
Preservation Project Manager (2024-2027)
(724) 415-1082
Troy Pritts
Replacement Project Manager
(724) 415-2401
Laina Aquiline
Press Officer
(724) 415-3748
The project documents can be made available in alternative languages or formats if requested. If you need translation or interpretation services, have special needs, or have concerns that require individual attention, please contact the PennDOT Project Manager listed above.