Route 6 - Resurfacing and Bridge Preservation, Mansfield Borough, Tioga County

Route 6 - Resurfacing and Bridge Preservation, Mansfield Borough, Tioga County

Project Overview

The Mansfield PennDOT Project involves roadway resurfacing (milling and overlay) of Route 6 (Wellsboro Street) and Route 2005 (Business 15/Main Street) in Mansfield Borough and Richmond Township, Tioga County. The project will maintain the underlying pavement structure and address surface deterioration of the existing roadway surface. The full depth reconstruction of the roadways and upgrades to the signalized intersection of Route 6 and Route 2005 has been postponed for a future planned project.

The project limits on Route 6 extend from the Tioga River Bridge to Swan Street. The project limits on Route 2005 (Business 15/Main Street) extend from the Southern Mansfield Levee to Route 15 Exit 183, including the interchange ramps. Construction activities include milling and resurfacing of the existing pavement, minor drainage improvements, signing, pavement markings, guide rail replacement and ADA accommodations at the intersections (where appropriate).

The project also involves bridge preservation of Route 6, Section 135 over Tioga River in Mansfield Borough. Construction activities include placing an epoxy overlay, replacing the seals at the piers and minor bridge deck/barrier repairs.

Construction of the project is anticipated to begin in 2024 and be completed in approximately two years. Construction will occur in stages, with traffic being maintained on the existing roadways with short-term lane closures. The traffic lanes will be restored during non-working hours. Detours along Borough owned streets are not being considered for this project. Temporary traffic shifts and night-time lane closures may be implemented to minimize construction impacts to local businesses and the traveling public. A directional detour will be in place for the Route 6 bridge preservation activities, see Detour Information below for additional information.

Project Contact: 

If you have questions or concerns regarding the project, please email: MainSt​ 

​County: Tioga
State Route:  6 &  2005
Local Name: Main Street, Wellsboro Street
Project Type: Road Resurfacing and Bridge Preservation
Proposed Start: Spring 2024
Proposed End: Fall 2025
Last Updated: 12/18/2024


The project documents can be made available in alternative languages or formats if requested. If you need translation or interpretation services, have special needs, or have concerns that require individual attention, please contact the PennDOT Project Manager listed above.