Routes 54 and 642 - Intersection Improvement Project, Valley Township, Montour County

Routes 54 and 642 - Intersection Improvement Project, Valley Township, Montour County

Project Overview

This is an intersection improvement project at  Route 54 and Route 642 West (Liberty Valley Road) and Route 642 East (Jerseytown Road) intersections. The preferred alternative selected by PennDOT as presented at the November 2017 public meeting, was met with concerns by the public. PennDOT then formed a Community Advisory Committee (CAC) to assist in the development of the final alternative and possible interim options that could be implemented to assist with the flow of traffic through the corridor.

Community Advisory Committee

The CAC was assembled to represent a cross section of the stakeholders. PennDOT asked the municipalities to select one resident, one business representative and one municipal official from each of the local municipalities. In addition, local representatives from the Fire Companies, Emergency Services, Police Departments, School District, and County Commissioner's Office are included. A representative from Geisinger Health Center was also included due to the large volume of traffic in the corridor generated by that campus (employees, patients, and other business partners). A representative from SEDA-COG was also asked to be part of the CAC, as they are the planning organization responsible for the transportation needs of the region.

PennDOT's team consisted of Project Management personnel, Traffic Specialists, Municipal Services, and Consultants all collectively developing the project.

The purpose of the CAC was to review the corridor and develop options that meet needs of ALL stakeholders.  Both interim and long-term solutions were considered throughout the process. PennDOT is dedicated to engineering a project that meets the purpose and need, fits within the context of the surrounding community, provides a safe roadway corridor for today's motorists and accommodates future traffic growth.

After the CAC process was completed, a public meeting was held on October 16, 2018 to announce the project chosen by the CAC and show the timeline for the construction of the final alternative.

A meeting was held on September 21, 2023 with the CAC to provide an update on the progress of the design and to discuss the anticipated sequence of construction.


This is a multi-year intersection improvement project along the Route 54 corridor near Route 642 west (Liberty Valley Road) and Route 642 east (Jerseytown Road) in Valley and Mahoning townships. Work includes the realignment and signalization of the Route 54 and Route 642 intersection, bridge improvements including replacement of the bridge deck that carries Route 54 over the Mahoning Creek, substructure repairs, and the relocation of the park and ride. 

Traffic Control: Two lanes of traffic will be maintained in each direction during construction. During the bridge improvement project, Route 54 westbound traffic will be maintained using a single lane while Route 54 eastbound traffic will maintain two lanes. 

Work on the project is anticipated to begin in the spring of 2025 and is anticipated to be completed in 2029. The construction cost of both projects is $29.8 million.


Project Contact

Contract Cost: $29,790,555
Percentage Complete:
Prime Contractor: New Enterprise Stone & Lime Co., Inc.


Project Contact

Construction Project Manager

Dayton Hess I


Design Project Manager

Kevin James |

Community Relations Coordinator

Maggie Baker |
Phone 570-368-4202

Detour Information

See proposed detour staging in Resources.

Project Information

County: Montour

State Routes: 54 and Route 642 West  and Route 642 East 

Local Name: Liberty Valley Road and Jerseytown Road

Project Type: Intersection improvement project

Start Month:  Anticipated  Spring 2025

End Month: Anticipated Summer 2029

Last Updated: 1/27/2025


PDF + Image Resources