District 6 Projects

South Creek Road Bridge Replacement

Project Overview

County: Delaware, Chester
State Route: 3100, 3101
Local Name: S Creek Road
Project Type: Bridge Reconstruction

The project is the replacement of the existing bridge that carries two lanes of South Creek Road over Brandywine Creek and the East Penn Railroad.  The project includes the replacement of the existing bridge, approach roadway reconstruction, guide rail, and signing/pavement marking upgrades.

The bridge is located on the municipal boundary between Pennsbury Township, Chester County, and Chadds Ford Township, Delaware County.  The project location is approximately 1.3 miles north of the Pennsylvania State Border with Delaware. The northern project limit is approximately 1.5 miles south of the South Creek Road intersection with U.S. 1.

The existing bridge is a six-span reinforced concrete spandrel arch bridge that was built in 1925.  The bridge’s southernmost span crosses over a single track of the East Penn Railroad.  The remaining spans cross over Brandywine Creek and its floodplain.  The bridge is currently posted with a 12-ton weight restriction and no trucks with trailers over 45 feet in length, except for local deliveries. The proposed structure will be a six-span concrete arch bridge with two lanes and shoulders. The structure type and alignment, as well as details regarding the structure’s appearance, were selected through an Alternatives Analysis of February 2017 and coordination with consulting parties that occurred from mid-2015 through late-2019.

S. Creek Road will be closed to traffic in the vicinity of the bridge, and the traffic detoured, for the duration of construction (approximately 20 months).


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