DISTRICT 6 PROJECTS - Philadelphia County

​Byberry Road over CSX Rail Bridge Replacement​​​

Project Overview

County: Philadelphia
Municipality: City of Philadelphia
State Route(s):
City-owned Road
Local Name(s): Byberry Road
Project Type: Bridge Improvement
Last Updated: February 2025

This project consists of the bridge replacement of Byberry Road over CSX Railroad, in Philadelphia, PA. The bridge is a two-span pre-fabricated thru truss structure (Mabey Bridge) built in 1996 as a temporary replacement. The bridge has a structure length of 140 feet and carries two lanes of traffic on a 24-foot wide roadway. This temporary bridge has been in service for 21 years and is in overall serious condition. The bridge is currently posted for a maximum vehicle weight of 3 tons.

The project scope is to replace the bridge with a single-span composite steel multi-girder structure with a total length of 89’-0”. The structure will consist of a 9” thick reinforced concrete slab supported on five welded steel girders with 36” web (Grade 50 steel). The bridge will be constructed in three stages which will allow two lanes of vehicular traffic to be maintained at all times during construction, except during the construction of the roadway tie-ins when short-term detours will be required. After completion, the bridge will carry one 11’ lane of traffic in each direction with one 10’ right turn lane flanked with 6’ sidewalks and 1’ thick reinforced concrete vertical wall barriers provided along each fascia. The elevation of the proposed superstructure has been set to satisfy CSX​Railroad clearance requirements with a proposed vertical clearance of 23’. The location of the north abutment has been set to provide for a future second track at the request of the railroad, with a lateral clearance of 20’ while keeping the bridge a single-span bridge. Retaining walls will be built on the west side of the roadway to avoid the MAST Charter School parking garage and to reduce impacts to the north approach.​

Contact Information

Paul Valliere
Project Manager


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