District 6 Projects - Bucks County

State Road Improvements: Neshaminy Creek to Route 413

Project Overview

County: Bucks
Municipality: Bristol Township
State Route: 2002
Local Name: State Road
Project Type: Drainage Improvements
Last Updated: January 2025

This project involves roadway and drainage improvements to State Road (SR 2002) for approximately 2.2 miles from Neshaminy Creek to Route 413 (New Rodgers Road) in Bristol Township, Bucks County.  The proposed improvements include: 

  • Reconstructing the existing deteriorated pavement;
  • Performing stormwater and drainage enhancements; 
  • Constructing curbing and shoulder widening.  Specifically, the existing 11‐foot travel lanes will be widened to a 14‐foot eastbound lane and a 12‐foot westbound lane with an 8‐foot shoulder/parking lane.  The curb will be constructed in both directions for the western 1.6 miles. Further east, the roadway will be widened to a 12‐foot lane with 8‐foot shoulder in each direction;
  • Adjustments to cross slopes and vertical profiles to improve drainage; and
  • Upgrading the traffic signals at the State Road intersections with Cedar Avenue and Route 413.

Contact Information

Josefina Brown
Project Manager


The project documents can be made available in alternative languages or formats if requested. If you need translation or interpretation services, have special needs, or have concerns that require individual attention, please contact the PennDOT Project Manager listed above.

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