Project Overview
County: Chester
Municipality: Schuylkill Township
State Route: 1036
Local Name: Valley Park Road
Project Type: Bridge Replacement
Last Updated: February 2025
On September 1, 2021, the existing bridge experienced severe storm damage as a result of flooding from the remnants of Hurricane Ida. The existing bridge is a 15-foot long, two-lane, single-span stone masonry arch and concrete-encased steel I-beams structure with a bituminous wearing surface. This corridor of roadway is currently classified as an urban major collector.
Storm damage included undermining of the far abutment. Additional damage to the near abutment and the arch requires this structure to be a replacement. Temporary repairs have been made to the streambed to keep the roadway open.
The proposed scope of work includes:
- The existing bridge will be replaced.
- The replacement bridge will be a Precast Reinforced Concrete Box Culvert.
- The proposed span length will be similar to the existing span length.
- The proposed curb-to-curb width is 32 feet.
- Minimal approach roadway work is anticipated.
- The existing horizontal alignment of Valley Park Road will be maintained.
- The vertical profile will be lowered to remove the hump on the road at the structure.
- Utility poles will likely need to be relocated on the south side of the roadway to facilitate construction.
- There is no existing guide rail present. Approach guide rail along Valley Park Road will be placed and painted brown.
Justin Gattorno
Project Manager
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