District 8 Projects - Lebanon County

Route 4004 (Hill Church Road) Safety Improvements

Project Status

Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3:

Step 4:

Public Outreach

Public Comment Period

The public comment period, where the community is encouraged to respond with questions and concerns will be from January 14, 2025 through  March 14, 2025

Virtual Plans Display

​The virtual plans display will be available online from January 14, 2025 through March 14, 2025. 

Project Overview

County: Lebanon
Municipality: Annville
State Route: SR 4004-015
Local Name: Hill Church Road
Project Type: Safety Improvements
Anticipated Construction Start: 2026
Last Updated: 1/14/2024

The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) invites the public to an online plan display regarding the State Route 4004 (Hill Church Road) safety improvement project. This project is in North Annville Township, Lebanon County.

The purpose of this project is to improve safety and address future traffic demands for the Route 4004 intersection with Thompson Avenue. Geometric deficiencies in the roadway limit sight distance looking right from Thompson Avenue and are addressed with the proposed project. The project will consist of roadway reconstruction and widening along Route 4004 and Thompson Avenue, drainage improvements, as well as realigning Route 4004 and adding left turn lanes to improve traffic flow.

The project will be constructed in stages and will contain three detour routes. During the construction of the realignment portion of Route 4004 east of Thompson Avenue, traffic will remain on the existing Route 4004 roadway. During the connection of the realigned portion of Route 4004 to the existing Route 4004 roadway, traffic utilizing the east leg of Route 4004 will be detoured onto Route 4002 (Center Street), Route 422 (Benjamin Franklin Hwy), then Route 0934 (Bellegrove Road).

Additional Project Information


The project is located north of Annville in a rural community surrounded by residential properties and farm fields. Route 4004 is identified as a Collector Bicycle Route by the Lebanon Valley Bicycle Coalition on the County Bicycle Map. A wetland and watercourse identification and delineation did not identify any aquatic resources present. The PNDI indicated a potential conflict with the bog turtle. No bog turtle habitat was identified within 300 feet of the project limits. Three properties are being evaluated for historic eligibility and archaeological studies are currently being conducted.


There are existing overhead utility lines running parallel to Route 4004 east to west and parallel to Thompson Avenue north to south. Impacts to these facilities are anticipated and relocations of utility poles will be coordinated with the responsible utility company.

Right of Way

Right-of-Way acquisition is anticipated for the roadway widening along Route 4004 (Hill Church Road), Route 4005 (Thompson Avenue) and T-390 (Thompson Avenue) as well as for the realignment of Route 4004 and drainage structures and swales. Temporary construction easements are anticipated for traffic control and driveway reconstruction.

Maintenance and Protection of Traffic

The project will be constructed in stages and will contain three detour routes. During the construction of the realignment portion of Route 4004 east of Thompson Avenue, traffic will remain on the existing Route 4004 roadway. During the connection of the realigned portion of Route 4004 to the existing Route 4004 roadway, traffic utilizing the east leg of Route 4004 will be detoured onto Route 4002 (Center Street), Route 422 (Benjamin Franklin Hwy), then Route 0934 (Bellegrove Road).

During the reconstruction of the south-leg of Thompson Avenue (T-390), the proposed detour route will use Route 0934 (Bellegrove Road) then Route 4004 (Hill Church Road).

During the reconstruction section of Route 4004 west of Thompson Avenue, traffic utilizing the west leg of Route 4004 will be detoured onto Route 4007 (Ono Road), Route 4026 (Waterworks Way), then Route 4005 (Thompson Avenue).

During the reconstruction of the north-leg of Thompson Avenue (Route 4005), traffic utilizing the north leg of Thompson Avenue (Route 4005) will be detoured onto Route 4026 (Waterworks Way) and Route 4007 (Ono Road).

Schedule and Cost

Construction is anticipated to begin during the 2026 construction season and has an estimated construction cost of $2,030,000.

Contact Information

Dan Rocuskie
Project Manager

David M. Thompson
Media Contact
(717) 787-1446


The project documents can be made available in alternative languages or formats if requested. If you need translation or interpretation services, have special needs, or have concerns that require individual attention, please contact the PennDOT Project Manager listed above.

Title VI

Pursuant to the Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, PennDOT does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, age, or disability. If you feel that you have been denied the benefits of, or participation in a PennDOT program or activity, you may contact the PennDOT, Bureau of Equal Opportunity, DBE/Title VI Division at 717-787-5891.