District 3 County Maintenance Offices

District 3 County Maintenance Offices

Bradford County Maintenance Office
340 York Avenue
Towanda, Pennsylvania 18848

Columbia County Maintenance Office
45 Lunger Drive
Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania 17815

District Office
715 Jordan Avenue
Montoursville, Pennsylvania 17754

Lycoming County Maintenance Office
716 Jordan Avenue
Montoursville, Pennsylvania 17754

Montour County Maintenance Office
45 Lunger Drive
Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania 17815

Northumberland County Maintenance Office
355 Dewart Street
Sunbury, Pennsylvania 17801

Snyder County Maintenance Office
45 Industrial Park Road
Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania 17870

Sullivan County Maintenance Office
322 Park Street
Laporte, Pennsylvania 18626

Tioga County Maintenance Office
6 Berwart Street
Wellsboro, Pennsylvania 16901

Union County Maintenance Office
612 Fairground Road
Lewisburg, Pennsylvania 17837


The project documents can be made available in alternative languages or formats if requested. If you need translation or interpretation services, have special needs, or have concerns that require individual attention, please contact the PennDOT Project Manager listed above.

Title VI

Pursuant to the Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, PennDOT does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, age, or disability. If you feel that you have been denied the benefits of, or participation in a PennDOT program or activity, you may contact the PennDOT, Bureau of Equal Opportunity, DBE/Title VI Division at 717-787-5891.