Electric Vehicles and Alternative Fuels

EV Charging Reliability and Accessibility Accelerator (EVC-RAA) Program

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) established the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) program to provide funding to states to strategically deploy EV charging infrastructure and to establish an interconnected network to facilitate data collection, access, and reliability. The BIL directed that 10% of the NEVI funds be set aside “to make grants to States and localities that require additional assistance to strategically deploy electric vehicle charging infrastructure". The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) used a portion of the 10% set-aside funds for the Electric Vehicle Charger Reliability and Accessibility Accelerator (EVC-RAA) program to focus on repairing and replacing broken or non-operational EV chargers to improve the reliability of existing EV charging infrastructure.

PennDOT subsequently applied for funding through the EVC-RAA program and was awarded $5 million. In accordance with FHWA requirements, these funds may only be used to bring specific charging stations into compliance with 23 CFR 680 requirements, including the requirements to operate a minimum of 4 charging ports and maintain a greater than 97% uptime. For more information about the EVC-RAA program, please visit https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/environment/nevi/evc_raa/.

EVC-RAA Round 1A Funding Opportunity

The PennDOT EVC-RAA Round 1A Funding Opportunity opened on November 11, 2024 and closed on January 10, 2025. PennDOT awarded funds for one submitted proposal. Please see below for additional details and resources regarding the funding opportunity.​

EVC-RAA Round 1A Timeline 

October 24, 2024Funding Opportunity released
November 8, 2024Deadline to submit technical questions
November 11, 2024eGrants system opens for online proposals
January 10, 2025, at 5:00 PM EDTDeadline to submit online proposals
January-Februray 2025PennDOT proposal review
February 2025Conditional award notifications
March-April 2025PennDOT NEPA process
May 2025 – June 2025Agreement execution

EVC-RAA Round 1 Funding Opportunity

The PennDOT EVC-RAA Funding Opportunity opened on July 2, 2024 and closed on August 14, 2024. PennDOT awarded funds for two submitted proposals on September 24, 2024. See the EVC-RAA Announcement for more details. See below for additional details and resources regarding the funding opportunity.​

EVC-RAA Round 1 Timeline 

May 23, 2024Funding Opportunity released
June 24, 2024Deadline to submit technical questions
July 2, 2024eGrants system opens for online proposals
August 14, 2024, at 5:00 PM EDTDeadline to submit online proposals
August-September 2024PennDOT proposal review
October 2024Conditional award notifications
October-November 2024PennDOT NEPA process
December 2024 – January 2025Agreement execution
