2020 Public Participation Plan - An information resource for the public

Public Participation Plan

This plan outlines PennDOT's public participation methods used when developing the Statewide Long Range Transportation Plan, the 12-Year Program, the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program, and the Public Participation Plan. It also explains how you can get involved in the statewide transportation planning and programming processes.


Below are two versions of the 2020 Public Participation Plan. The PDF version is a full-color version of the document that includes graphic illustrations. It contains active links to additional information and details that further explain specific content in the document.


The text-only version contains the same content as the PDF, but it does not include graphic illustrations to allow for language translation and use of other accessible technology applications, or the Appendix.


PennDOT's 2020 Public Participation Plan

An information resource for the public:

​The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) appreciates the expertise, time, and effort invested in the update of PennDOT's Public Participation Plan. In addition to the public, the update process for the 2020 Plan involved a Stakeholders Group, Steering Committee, and a Project Team responsible for guiding the process and producing the final plan.

Members of the Stakeholders Group represent various organizations and service providers for diverse populations across the state. Representatives of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Federal Transit Administration (FTA), Municipal and Rural Planning Organizations, and PennDOT served on the Steering Committee. The Project Team was led by PennDOT's Center for Program Development and Management with support from the PennDOT Bureau of Equal Opportunity, FHWA, and FTA.

The following is a list of the Stakeholders Group member organizations:

  • Center for Independent Living of Central PA
  • Commuter Services of Pennsylvania
  • Council on American Islamic Relations
  • County Commissioners Association of Pennsylvania
  • Governor's Advisory Commission on African American Affairs
  • Governor's Advisory Commission on Asian Pacific American Affairs
  • Governor's Advisory Commission on Latino Affairs
  • Governor's Cabinet and Advisory Committee for People with Disabilities
  • International Service Center
  • Jewish Federation of Greater Harrisburg
  • Office of Vocational Rehabilitation
  • Pennsylvania Commission on LGBTQ Affairs
  • Pennsylvania Department of Human Services
  • Pennsylvania Municipal League
  • Pennsylvania Public Transportation Association
  • Pennsylvania State Association of Boroughs
  • Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors
  • Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission
  • The Pennsylvania Immigrant and Refugee Woman's Network
  • The United Way of Pennsylvania


The purpose of the Public Participation Plan is to provide the public with an understanding of statewide transportation planning and programming, the associated update processes, and the methods the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) uses for public engagement. PennDOT's goal is to provide you with enough information to make the first step toward participating in our transportation planning processes a little easier.

PennDOT is committed and required to plan for the future needs of the statewide transportation system which supports the safe and efficient movement of people and transport of goods. In doing so, a number of plans and programs are prepared for the Commonwealth's multimodal transportation system including this document – PennDOT's 2020 Public Participation Plan (PPP).

This document outlines PennDOT's public participation methods used when developing the Statewide Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), the 12-Year Program (TYP), the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), and the PPP. These four documents are updated on a recurring basis with support from Pennsylvania's Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs), Rural Planning Organizations (RPOs), and the public. A customized public participation process is used for each document update, geared to their distinct functions.

PennDOT is dedicated to providing public outreach efforts that comply with, and whenever possible exceed, the requirements in the following federal laws, regulations, and executive orders. There are additional laws; however, that PennDOT abides by that are not referenced below.

i. Federal planning regulations for statewide public participation (23 CFR 450.210)
ii. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
iii. Executive Order on Environmental Justice (Executive Order 12898, February 11, 1994)
iv. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990
v. Executive Order on Limited English Proficiency (Executive Order 13166, August 11, 2000)


PennDOT will make all reasonable modifications to policies, programs, and documents to ensure that people with disabilities and those with limited English proficiency have an equal opportunity to enjoy all of its programs, services, and activities.

Anyone who requires an auxiliary aid or service for effective communication, documents in alternative formats or languages, or a modification of policies or procedures to participate in a program, service, or activity of PennDOT, should contact the Bureau of Equal Opportunity at (800) 468-4201 as soon as possible but no later than seven (7) days before scheduled events.

PennDOT's public outreach efforts also comply with the Pennsylvania Sunshine Act, 65 Pa.C.S. §§ 701-716 (Open Meetings Law). We provide timely access to transportation decision-making processes for all by providing fair and inclusive opportunities for public participation. As a result, we can better align transportation priorities and programs with the needs of diverse users and fairly distribute transportation benefits.

The purpose of the Public Participation Plan is to provide the public with an understanding of statewide transportation planning and programming, the associated update processes, and the methods PennDOT uses for public engagement. It is our goal to provide you with enough information to make the first step to participating in PennDOT's transportation planning processes a little easier.

You rely on various modes of transportation every time you travel from place to place – driving a car, walking to the store, riding a bus or train, bicycling to work, or vanpooling. Additionally, you rely on transportation for the delivery and transport of goods, such as packages to your home, produce to grocery stores, and fuel to gas stations.

When PennDOT develops statewide transportation plans and programs, your needs and the needs of your community are a very important part of the planning process. PennDOT, in collaboration with the Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) and Rural Planning Organizations (RPOs), creates plans and programs that aim to reflect your priorities, enhance your quality of life, and improve the state's economy.

State DOTs are no longer just held accountable for the transportation system; they are also held accountable for how the system supports and improves the quality of life for communities. To better understand your transportation needs, PennDOT encourages you to get involved during the update of statewide transportation plans. When you get involved you can make a difference in the transportation system for yourself and everyone who uses our services and resources.

With your participation and the help of PennDOT staff, actively engaged stakeholders, and the MPOs and RPOs, we can continue to sustain and grow a statewide transportation system that enables the quality of life in Pennsylvania to thrive.

Statewide transportation planning and programming considers all transportation modes important to you and the statewide system. Statewide transportation planning sets goals and ranks transportation needs for the entire state. Transportation programming chooses and funds projects that meet the needs of the statewide plans and priorities.

Transportation system management has required more of PennDOT's limited resources due to an aging system and federally mandated transportation performance management requirements. Consequently, a high priority is placed on projects that rehabilitate, reconstruct, and renew the existing transportation infrastructure.

Transportation planning is a continuous process that develops statewide and regional long-range transportation plans. The plans guide us toward the development and start of specific projects. This publication, however, focuses on the planning and programming phase of the overall process – not specific to an individual project. Details about public involvement at the project level are addressed in PennDOT's Public Involvement Handbook, Publication 295.

Publication 295, The Public Involvement Handbook

Publication 295 is a guide for PennDOT personnel, consultants, and staff from other administrative jurisdictions — such as local project sponsors — engaged in individual transportation project development activities ranging from the beginning of project development to physical project construction. Publication 295 describes requirements, approaches, and techniques used for meaningful public involvement on a project-by-project basis.

The following information addresses PennDOT's Statewide Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), 12-Year Program (TYP), Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), and Public Participation Plan (PPP). It also covers the primary tools PennDOT uses for public involvement and what you can expect when you take part during the update processes.

The LRTP is PennDOT's largest and most comprehensive statewide transportation plan that covers a 25-year forecast period. Due to the range of topics in this plan, it is important to call for the involvement of many stakeholders, including you. The public participation efforts for the LRTP update will take place over a period of months and provide opportunities to take part in the LRTP development from beginning to end. This includes developing the direction and specific actions for implementing the plan’s strategies.

The TYP is a mid-range collaborative planning tool that provides a 12 year outlook and is updated by PennDOT with input from the MPOs and RPOs for adoption by the State Transportation Commission every two years. Public participation is an important component of updating the TYP.

The STIP, by federal guidelines, must cover a period of no less than four years. PennDOT's STIP is comprised of the projects included in the first four years of the TYP. These projects are initially identified, prioritized and approved by regional MPOs and RPOs who conduct their own local public participation process. Each MPO and RPO submits their approved projects to PennDOT in the form of a Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). The regional TIPs are then combined to form the first four years of the TYP and the STIP.

The PPP is a requirement for compliance with federal guidelines for statewide transportation planning. States are required to have a documented process for providing the public opportunity to participate in statewide transportation planning including review and comment at key decision points (23 CFR 450.210 [a]). This resource is PennDOT's documented process. It demonstrates PennDOT's commitment to effective public participation and its importance to the statewide planning process.

When PennDOT updates each of these documents, it is announced to the public and a wide range of interested parties are invited to get involved. These parties include you, affected public agencies, and stakeholders, such as:

  • Public transportation employees
  • Public ports operators
  • Freight shippers
  • Private providers of transportation (including intercity bus operators)
  • Users of public transportation
  • Users of pedestrian walkways
  • Users of bicycle transportation facilities
  • Providers of freight transportation services
  • Representatives of individuals with disabilities
  • Federally recognized Tribes with ancestral ties to Pennsylvania
  • Other interested parties


PennDOT also works closely with the MPOs and RPOs, state and local elected officials, and municipal governments who are directly connected with you and the communities that make up planning regions. They are central to PennDOT's local outreach efforts across the state. You can continue reading to learn more about the LRTP, TYP, STIP, and the PPP.

The Statewide LRTP is PennDOT's planning tool used to set goals for all types of transportation needs over a 25-year period. Statewide LRTPs must be updated periodically (23 CFR 450.216 [p]). PennDOT's LRTP is updated every five to six years.

What is its purpose?

The purpose of the Statewide LRTP is to develop policies, visions, and goals to move people and goods safely and improve the quality of life throughout the Commonwealth.

What is updated?

As noted previously, the Statewide LRTP is PennDOT's largest and most comprehensive statewide transportation plan that covers a 25-year forecast period. Many years pass between updates and, as a result, everything in the plan undergoes a detailed re-evaluation and is subject to change.

How do I get involved?

PennDOT provides opportunities for you to get involved in the update process including a survey, public workshops, and focus groups. The types of outreach tools and opportunities may vary from one update to the next, but the details on public participation opportunities will be defined and publicized in advance of the events. PennDOT has held as many as 17 special interest focus groups; 36 regional outreach workshops; and 20 implementation workshops supported by interested individuals and solicited representatives from around the state as a part of the update process for the Statewide LRTP. During the update process, PennDOT will hold one public forum at a minimum.

When the Statewide LRTP update is scheduled, PennDOT will announce specific information on how to get involved on its website and in the media. The plan will be placed on a webpage for direct access to the policy and technical information under development, and a feature for responding to your suggestions and comments will be provided. This feature may be an email address and/or a form that you can complete and send to PennDOT. Visuals are used at PennDOT's public meetings and on related websites to enhance understanding of the plan, supporting studies, mapping, and other related items and technical materials. The visual aids may also include informational charts, animations, mapping, videos, aerial photography and other graphic explanations depending on the type of information to be conveyed.

Once PennDOT has developed a draft of the updated Statewide LRTP, a 30-day public comment period will be held for you to review and provide your comments. The public comment period is communicated and coordinated using:

  • Media announcements
  • PennDOT's website
  • PennDOT's social media accounts (Facebook and Twitter)
  • Email to those who sign up for email updates


PennDOT will provide all of the details you need to participate in the comment period as a part of the initial public notification. This information includes where to access the draft document, how to submit comments, the start and end dates for the comment period, and who to contact if you have questions or need assistance.

What happens after I get involved?

PennDOT documents all the comments shared in the survey, workshops, focus groups, and other public forums. The comments are then reviewed and analyzed to better understand your needs and requests. The analysis is used for the update of the Statewide LRTP.

PennDOT also documents comments and responds to questions on the draft Statewide LRTP. A summary of the public participation process, comments, and responses generated during the update will be made available to the public upon request.

View the final Statewide LRTP available for public review.