Featured Study: Clear Roads Phase III
The Clear Roads research program brings together transportation professionals and researchers from around the country to drive innovation in the field of winter maintenance. By evaluating materials, equipment and methods in real-world conditions, the program identifies the most effective techniques and technologies to save agencies money, improve safety and increase efficiency. Since getting under way in 2004, Clear Roads has grown to include 39 member agencies, funding research and technology transfer efforts. Representatives from the participating departments of transportation meet twice a year to discuss and prioritize projects, share effective practices, and review research results.
Primary Activities Include:
- Evaluating winter maintenance materials, equipment, and methods under real-world conditions.
- Developing specifications and recommendations.
- Studying and promoting innovative techniques and technologies that will save agencies money, improve safety, and increase efficiency.
- Supporting technology transfer by developing practical field guides and training curriculum to promote the results of research projects.
Report by: Minnesota Dept of Transportation
TPF Project Listing
- Active - Pennsylvania is currently participating in projects designated as "active".
- Completed - Pennsylvania no longer participates in projects designated as "completed".
- Notification Date
- Date Action Taken
- Action Taken
- Notification Date
- Date Action Taken
- Action Taken