Welcome Centers

For information on regional attractions, travel or accommodation assistance, staff at our 14 Welcome Centers can help. The centers are open seven days a week, including most holidays, from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

How Did We Do?

If you received exceptional service at one of our Welcome Centers or would like to provide other comments, you can use the list below to email that center directly. Or use the link below.

You can view the Welcome Center Map(opens in a new tab) or review the following list of centers, locations and contact information.

Erie, I-90 West: I-90 westbound, 1/2 mile west of PA/NY border, North East
Email or call 814-217-9600

Mercer, I-80 East I-80 eastbound, 1/2 mile east of PA/OH border, West Middlesex
Email or call 724-981-6972

Washington, I-70 East: I-70 eastbound, 5 miles east of PA/WV border, Claysville
Email or call 724-663-5248

Greene, I-79 North: I-79 northbound, 5 miles north of PA/WV border, Mount Morris
Email or call 724-627-7331

Franklin, I-81 North: I-81 northbound, 1.5 miles north of PA/MD border
Email or call 717-597-8116

Fulton, I-70 West: I-70 westbound, 1/2 mile north of PA/MD border, Warfordsburg
Email or call 717-294-6275

York, I-83 North: I-83 northbound, 2.5 miles north of PA/MD border, Shrewsbury
Email or call 717-235-6076

Delaware, I-95 North: I-95 northbound, 1/2 mile north of PA/DE border, Linwood
Email or call 610-485-8275

Northampton, I-78 West: I-78 westbound, 1/2 mile west of PA/NJ border, Easton
Email or call 610-250-1866

Pike, I-84: I-84, Exit 53, Matamoras
Email or call 570-491-4703

Delaware Water Gap, I-80 West: I-80 Exit 310, Delaware Water Gap
Email or call 570-234-1180

Susquehanna, I-81 South: 26273 Route 11, Great Bend
Email or call 570-879-2283

Tioga, Route 15: Route 15 southbound, 7 miles south of PA/NY border, Tioga
Email or call 570-835-4999

King of Prussia, I-276 West: King of Prussia Travel Plaza, PA Turnpike, Milepost 328.4, King of Prussia
Email or call 610-265-1745

If you received exceptional service or would like to provide other comments, email that center using one of the links below or alert our Tourism Services Manager at ra-pdtoursvcsoffc@pa.gov. You can view the Welcome Center Map review the following list of centers, locations and contact information.