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NeuroResource Facilitation Program for Brain Injury Services

The NeuroResource Facilitation Program (NRFP) was created with funding from the Administration of Community Living's Traumatic Brain Injury State Implementation Partnership Grant. NRFP is a service that helps individuals 18 and older with traumatic brain injuries and their family members identify and navigate brain injury resources, services, and supports. TBIs are injuries that result from a bump, blow, or jolt to the head, or penetrating head injury. The program provides assistance in accessing local services offered in Pennsylvania. Program services are delivered by NeuroResource Facilitators who will provide one-on-one help throughout the entire process of obtaining resources, services, and supports. The goal of the NRFP is to help individuals with TBI maximize their health, capabilities, and well-being.

A NeuroResource Facilitator is assigned to each individual seeking assistance. Facilitators will meet with each individual and their family members to explain the services available in their geographical area, provide them with written materials describing the services and the eligibility criteria for those services, and assist with identifying appropriate services to pursue. The facilitators will remain in contact with the individuals for a six-month period to provide ongoing support with selecting and receiving appropriate services.

This service is provided at no cost to the individual or their family.
NeuroResource Facilitators can:

  • Provide information about local resources, services, and supports;
  • Assist individuals and their families with navigating and pursuing appropriate services and supports;
  • Help to create a plan and provide ongoing support;
  • Partner with individuals and their families to help ensure that they can continue to access resources, services, and supports after completing the program.

To learn more or to request services, please contact NRFP at 717-772-2763 during regular business hours, 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. EST or email RA-DHBFHNRFP@pa.gov(opens in a new tab). You may also call the toll-free Brain Injury Help Line at 1-866-412-4755 to be connected to an Enrollment Specialist.