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Drug Abuse

Drug abuse or Substance Use Disorder is when one uses a substance for a non-intended purpose, including those obtained from the illicit market.

Department of Health Data

Behavioral Health Risks of Pennsylvania Adults
            Includes prevalence estimates on self-reported illegal and prescription drug use.
            See Deaths dataset
County Injury Profiles
            One-page profiles tabulating injury hospitalizations for a specific county (counts and charges only, no rates).
Healthy People
            A report that tracks the progress of public health objectives in meeting their goals by the end of the decade.

Interactive Data Report

Tools providing an interactive look at controlled substance prescribing and drug overdose trends at the state and county level, and prescribing trends by provider category at the state level.

External Data Sources

National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIH)

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Statistics (SAMHSA)

PA Youth Survey (PCCD)

YRBSS: Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (CDC)