Disadvantaged Business Enterprise
PennDOT has established a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program in accordance with the regulations of the U. S. Department of Transportation (DOT), 49 CFR Part 26 (Part 26). The department receives federal financial assistance from DOT, and as a condition of receiving this assistance, the department has signed an assurance that it will comply with Part 26. The information below provides you further explanation of the DBE process and required documentation.
Draft 2023-25 FAA Methodology and Goals(opens in a new tab) (PDF)
DBE Program Guidance Memo(opens in a new tab) (PDF)
Final DBE Special Provision(opens in a new tab) (PDF)
DBE Program Training for Airport Sponsors - 2016 Full Module(opens in a new tab) (PDF)
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise - Summary of Documents(opens in a new tab) (PDF)
Form AV-27 - DBE Project Compliance Review Checklist for Airports(opens in a new tab) (PDF)
Form EO-354AV - DBE Commercially Useful Function Report(opens in a new tab) (PDF)
Form EO-380AV - DBE Participation for Federally Funded Airport Projects (opens in a new tab)(PDF)