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Public Outreach
Virtual Plans Display
The virtual plans display will be available online from February 24, 2025, through March 24, 2025.
Project Overview
County: Lehigh
Municipality: Upper Macungie Township
State Route: 3007
Local Name: Breinigsville Road
Project Type: Bridge Replacement
Proposed Construction Start: Spring 2027
Last Updated: 02/19/2024
The Breinigsville Road Bridge is in Upper Macungie Township, Lehigh County, PA. The project site is approximately 100 feet east of the intersection with Butz Road. The roadway is classified as an urban major collector, and the surrounding properties are primarily residential. The project location map follows.
The purpose of this project is to replace the structure that carries Breinigsville Road over Breinig Run. The existing structure is a single-span reinforced concrete slab with encased steel I-beams originally constructed in 1921. The existing length of the structure is approximately 32’-6” and carries two 10’ lanes with 2’ shoulders. Breinigsville Road has an average daily traffic volume of 1,296 vehicles with 4% truck traffic. The posted speed limit is 25 mph.
The existing structure exhibits deterioration and damage and is considered in poor condition. There is undermining of the abutments and continued increase in scour. Several unsuccessful underpinning attempts have been made to mitigate scour and undermining at the abutments.
The scope of this project will involve replacing the existing structure with a precast box culvert. The downstream end of the culvert will have one precast concrete end section and the upstream end of the culvert will have a precast concrete wing wall and one cast-in-place concrete wing wall. The length of the proposed structure is approximately 39’-6” and will have a 30’ clear roadway width consisting of two 11’ lanes and 4’ shoulders. The replacement structure will be located on approximately the same horizontal and vertical alignments as the existing structure. The replacement structure will be constructed according to current PennDOT design standards. Approximately 45 feet of approach roadway on the east side of the structure and 65 feet of approach roadway on the west side of the structure will be reconstructed.
All project construction activities will be completed during a long-term detour. The detour route utilizes Butz Road, Mertztown Road, Weilers Road, and Brookdale Road. The detour is approximately 3.4 miles in length. The replacement is expected to require one construction season.
The anticipated construction cost estimate is $1 million - $1.5 million.
Contact Information
Michael J. Mignella, P.E.
Consultant Project Manager
Ronald J. Young, Jr., M.P.A.
Press Officer
The project documents can be made available in alternative languages or formats if requested. If you need translation or interpretation services, have special needs, or have concerns that require individual attention, please contact the PennDOT Project Manager listed above.
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