District 6 Projects - Montgomery County

​​​​​​​​​Five Points Intersection Improvements​​

Project Overview

​County: Montgomery
State Route(s): Route 309, Route 463, and Route 2202
Local Name(s): Horsham Road/Cowpath Road, Bethlehem Pike, Doylestown Road
Project Type: Intersection Improvements

This project involves modifications to the intersection of Route 309 (Bethlehem Pike) with Route 463 (Horsham Road/Cowpath Road), and Doylestown Road in Montgomery Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. Improvements to the intersection, commonly referred to as the “5 Points Intersection," will include the installation of additional through lanes on both Route 463 approaches and the Route 309 southbound approach and a new traffic signal installation at the existing signal. The new traffic signals will be constructed utilizing monotube structures. Sidewalks will be added along Routes 309 and 463 to connect with the existing sidewalks in the area. Other improvements will include modifying the existing drainage system, replacing the existing traffic signal structures, lighting improvements at the intersection, adjusting several existing driveways to accommodate additional lanes, and upgrading the signing and pavement marking.  

The project will be adding lanes on Route 463 both eastbound and westbound direction and a lane on Route 309 southbound. There is no widening on Doylestown Road other than to accommodate vehicles turning right to travel NB Doylestown Road. The project limits on Route 309 extend from just south of Vilsmeier Road work and extend approximately 1,500 ft. past the intersection.  On Route 463 the project limits start from North Wales Road and continue past the intersection approximately 1,150 ft. Stormwater Management Basins will be installed to control the stormwater and implement BMP facilities for erosion and sediment pollution control.

Traffic Impact

The project will be constructed in five stages utilizing half-width construction.  The initial stage will consist of utility relocations to accommodate the widening.  There will be truck detours for certain turning movements during the construction stages. Short-term closures of the intersection will be required to install the monotube structures. Business access will be maintained throughout the project.

The project started in January 2024 and is expected to be substantially completed by the Summer of 2026.

Currently, construction continues with lane closures and temporary traffic patterns scheduled on Mondays through Fridays, from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM, through late 2025, at the following locations:

​Truck Detour inplemented August 19. From mid-August, through spring 2025: Trucks traveling westbound on Route 463 (Horsham Road) will not have right hand turn access to Business U.S. 202 (Doylestown Road) for intersection reconstruction and widening. During the detour, westbound Route 463 (Horsham Road) trucks will be directed to use the U.S. 202 Parkway and County Line Road.


The project documents can be made available in alternative languages or formats if requested. If you need translation or interpretation services, have special needs, or have concerns that require individual attention, please contact the PennDOT Project Manager listed above.

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