DISTRICT 6 PROJECTS - Philadelphia County

​Vine St. Corridor Safety Improvements

Project Overview

County: Philadelphia
State Route(s): 2676
Local Name(s): Vine Street
Project Type: Safety Improvements
Last Updated: February 2025

This project involves various pedestrian and bicycle safety improvements on Vine Street from Broad Street (Route 611) to 8th Street. 

The proposed scope of work includes:

  • Selective removal of a travel lane along Vine Street as follows
    • Eastbound between Broad Street (Route 611) and 8th Street 
    • Westbound between 12th Street and 9th Street
  • Reducing pedestrian crossing distances along Westbound Vine Street by constructing delineated bump-outs at signalized intersections.
  • Constructing traffic signal improvements along the corridor including:
    • Installing pedestrian countdown signals. 
    • Installing retroreflective back plates where they are not present.  
  • Repurposing the parking lane along Eastbound Vine Street between 11th Street and 9th Street to construct a buffered bike lane from Broad Street (Route 611) to 8th Street.
  • Reconfiguring and signalizing the intersection of 9th Street and Westbound Vine Street.
  • Pavement preservation and ADA ramp reconstruction (as appropriate).
  • On Broad Street (Route 611), convert a southbound thru lane to a designated left turn lane at Vine Street to allow dual lefts onto the Vine Street Expressway.

It is anticipated that the project will be constructed using phased construction and access to local properties will be maintained throughout construction.  This project is being developed for construction in advance of the Vine Expressway Chinatown Stitch project.​


Public Outreach

Project Update: December 2024

PennDOT hosted public meetings on September 24th, 2024 (Virtual) and on October 24th, 2024 (in person).  PennDOT reviewed the comments from the public and has revised the plan to address public concerns.  Some of the plan updates include:

  • Added a westbound bike lane on Vine Street from 13th Street to 9th Street.
  • 13th Street and 10th Street Bike Lanes: Reconfigured bike lanes by shifting the bike lane to the curbside with an added lane separator curb.
  • 13th Street and 10th Street Travel Lanes: Converted the vehicular lane to one lane (shared through lane and left turn lane).
  • Maintained existing metered street parking along Vine Street eastbound between 11th Street and 9th Street
  • Installed speed slots (speed humps) with signage and advanced pavement marking on Vine Street WB between 10th Street and 8th Street
  • Installed school zone pavement markings.

Please refer to the updated plan graphic on the resources tab of the project website for more information.


The project documents can be made available in alternative languages or formats if requested. If you need translation or interpretation services, have special needs, or have concerns that require individual attention, please contact the PennDOT Project Manager listed above.

Title VI

Pursuant to the Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, PennDOT does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, age, or disability. If you feel that you have been denied the benefits of, or participation in a PennDOT program or activity, you may contact the PennDOT, Bureau of Equal Opportunity, DBE/Title VI Division at 717-787-5891.