Archery Target with arrows stuck in it
Pennsylvania Game Commission

NASP State Tournament

 Each year, students from across the state gather to compete. The highest placing teams and individuals in three different categories (elementary, middle and high school) can represent Pennsylvania at the National competition in Louisville, Kentucky and even at the World Tournament.

  • Contact us for more information on the state tournament and how your school can participate.

NASP State Tournament Information

The 2025 Pennsylvania NASP State Tournament will be help on March 21, 2025 at Spooky Nook Sports in Manheim PA.

full draw children

Criteria for Hosting a NASP State Qualifying Tournament

In an effort to allow NASP teams in Pennsylvania more opportunities to shoot and qualify for the Pennsylvania State Tournament, we allow and encourage schools to host State Qualifying Tournaments. Any school/organization can host a state qualifying tournament if they can meet all of the criteria.

Lane Official Training Video

The Official NASP® Lane Official Training Video