Pennsylvania Game Commission

Pennsylvania Shooting Ranges

The Game Commission continues to provide resources for shooters – hunters and non-hunters alike – by maintaining shooting ranges on State Game Lands across the Commonwealth.

Public Shooting Range Overview

​Pennsylvania public shooting ranges are funded through Pennsylvania hunters and shooters dollars. The excise tax placed on firearms, ammunition and archery equipment funds range projects like this all across the state. Please keep this in mind while at the ranges. Thank you for being a Pennsylvania Hunter and Shooter!

Buy a SGL Shooting Range Permit

For your shooting enjoyment and to make you a better hunter, the Game Commission maintains public shooting ranges across the state. Those who shoot firearms at the Pennsylvania Game Commission's state game lands public shooting ranges must possess and carry with them either an annual $31.97 range use permit or a current Pennsylvania general hunting or furtaker license.  Individuals without a range use permit or hunting or furtaker license may be fined. Each licensed hunter or range permit holder may have one guest.

​Shooting Range Permit Information

2023 Update to Shooting Range Permits: The Shooting Range Permit was recently updated and is now valid for 365 days from the date of purchase.

Permit required for state game lands public shooting range users

Current hunting/furtaker license also provides range privilege

Unlike online hunting and furtaker license purchases, range use permits will be printed at the time of purchase. Consequently, you must have a functioning printer for your personal computer to complete the permitting process.  Range permits also can be purchased at any hunting license issuing agent, the agency’s Harrisburg Headquarters and all six region offices, and require either a credit or debit card. 

Buy a State Game Lands Shooting Range Permit at HuntFishPA

Historically, hunter and furtaker license dollars have provided most, if not all, of the funding needed to keep the agency’s shooting ranges open to the public. But, in many cases, hunters and furtakers today are outnumbered on state game lands ranges by firearms enthusiasts who do not hunt or trap. The range permit fees ensure everyone who shoots at the agency’s ranges pays for range maintenance and development.

The Game Commission has completed lead remediation and safety upgrade projects at all public shooting ranges. Routine maintenance, including rebuilding target-line stations, cutting grass and other clean-up activities, often required the closure of ranges for several hours every month. More than $200,000 is spent annually on shooting range maintenance. To help keep costs down, and allow these funds to be diverted to other projects and programs, users should:

  1. Avoid shooting up the framework used to hold the backstop material and
  2. Clean up spent cases, remove targets from backstops, keep shooting benches clean and dispose of all other litter.
female shooter at range

Pennsylvania Shooting Range Improvement Program

This Shooting Range Improvement Program (SRIP) grant is designed to provide financial support to Pennsylvania’s aging shooting range infrastructure. Our state is fortunate to be home to more than 800 private clubs and ran​ges; however, many of these ranges require upgrades to improve safety and accessibility.


Range Rules and Regulations

Each licensed hunter or range permit holder may have one guest.

  • Unless otherwise posted, ranges are open year-round, from 8 a.m. until sunset, Monday through Saturday, and noon to sunset on Sundays.
  • Please contact our centralized dispatch center to check the daily status of ranges you wish to visit.
  • Shooters should show consideration for others waiting for an open bench.
  • It is common, especially leading up to the bear and deer seasons, to find an adult teaching a youngster how to shoot, or to find someone having difficulty sighting-in a rifle. Please be patient in such circumstances, and if it seems appropriate, offer assistance.
  • Anyone under the age of 16 must be accompanied by someone 18 or older.
  • Do not collect the brass of shooters while the range is active.
  • Range permits and hunting or furtaker licenses do not need to be displayed while using a state game lands public shooting range, but must be in possession, as well as a secondary form of identification.

Read the Shooting Range Regulations and Prohibited Acts

​1. Archery ranges are open from sunrise until sunset.

2. Individuals or groups using the range shall be responsible for keeping the area clean and free of debris and may not discard, deposit, leave or throw litter. Targets must be removed and discarded in an appropriate manner after use.

3. Arrows with broadheads may only be utilized on targets designated for broadhead use.

4. Individuals using the range do so at their own risk and assume all respon­sibility for injuries to persons or property caused by or to them.

5. An individual under sixteen (16) years of age may not use the range unless accompanied by a person eighteen (18) years of age or older.

6. When more than one person is using the range, a range officer shall be designated.

7. Individuals may not use the range when it is reserved and being used by an organized group.

8. Ranges may be reserved by organized groups from January 1 through September 1 after making arrangements through the appropriate Pennsyl­vania Game Commission Regional Office at least 20 days in advance and securing the appropriate permit.

9. Designated Pennsylvania Game Commission personnel may close a range by posting signs to that effect. An individual or organized group may not use the range during any period when it is posted as closed.

​1. Rifle and handgun ranges are open from 8:00 AM, prevailing time until sunset Monday through Saturday and from 12 Noon to sunset Sundays, un­less otherwise posted; except the Sunday immediately preceding and any Sunday throughout the duration of the regular firearms deer seasons and regular firearms bear seasons, when the hours shall be 8:00 AM to sunset.

2. Individuals using the range shall be responsible for keeping the area clean and free of debris, may not discard, deposit, leave or throw litter and shall remove targets from range backboards prior to leaving range.

3. The Commission is not responsible for anyone injured on the range.

4. Individuals using the range do so at their own risk and assume all respon­sibility for injuries to persons or property caused by or to them.

5. When more than one person is using the range, a range officer shall be designated.

6. An individual under sixteen (16) years of age may not use the range un­less accompanied by a person eighteen (18) years of age or older.

7. The Regional Director or designee may close the range by posting signs to that effect.


Shotgun/claybird shooting areas:

  • Northcentral Region, SGL 176: The shotgun only area is part of the Scotia Range complex.
  • Northeast Region, SGL 300: The shotgun only area is adjacent to the existing public shooting range.
  • Southeast Region, SGL 205: The shotgun only area is next to the parking area, 200 yards south of the rifle range along Game Warden Rd. in Lowhill Township.


    Scotia Range Information


    Range Locations

    Northwest Region Shooting Ranges

    Status: OPEN

    Rifle Range: Yes

    Firing Points: 4

    Range Distance: 200 Yds


    Handgun Range: No

    Firing Points:

    Range Distance:


    Archery Range: No

    Firing Points:

    Range Distance:


    Shotgun Range: No

    Firing Points:

    Range Distance:


    Get Directions

    Status: OPEN

    Rifle Range: Yes

    Firing Points: 6

    Range Distance: 100 Yds


    Handgun Range: No

    Firing Points:

    Range Distance:


    Archery Range: No

    Firing Points:

    Range Distance:


    Shotgun Range: No

    Firing Points:

    Range Distance:


    Get Directions

    Status: OPEN

    Rifle Range: Yes

    Firing Points: 6

    Range Distance: 100 Yds


    Handgun Range: Yes

    Firing Points: 3

    Range Distance:25 Yds


    Archery Range: Yes

    Firing Points:

    Range Distance:

    Shotgun Patterning Range: Yes

    Firing Points: 

    Range Distance: 40


    Get Directions

    Southwest Region Shooting Ranges

    Status: OPEN

    Rifle Range: Yes

    Firing Points: 3/5/20

    Range Distance: 25/50/100 Yds


    Handgun Range: Yes

    Firing Points: 8/10

    Range Distance: 10/25 Yds


    Archery Range: Yes

    Firing Points: 13

    Range Distance: 10/20/30/40/50


    Shotgun Range: No

    Firing Points:

    Range Distance:


    Get Directions

    Status: OPEN

    Rifle Range: Yes

    Firing Points: 2/8

    Range Distance: 50 /100 Yds


    Handgun Range: Yes

    Firing Points: 6

    Range Distance: 25 Yds


    Archery Range: No

    Firing Points:

    Range Distance:


    Shotgun Patterning Range: Yes

    Firing Points:  1/1

    Range Distance:  20/40 Yds


    Get Directions

    Status: OPEN

    Rifle Range: Yes

    Firing Points: 2/3

    Range Distance: 50/100 Yds


    Handgun Range: No

    Firing Points: 

    Range Distance:


    Archery Range: No

    Firing Points:

    Range Distance:

    Shotgun Range: No

    Firing Points:

    Range Distance:


    Get Directions

    Status: OPEN

    Rifle Range: Yes

    Firing Points: 1/1/3/2

    Range Distance: 25/50/100/300 Yds


    Handgun Range: Yes

    Firing Points: 1/1

    Range Distance:  10/25 Yds


    Archery Range: No

    Firing Points:

    Range Distance:

    Shotgun Range: No

    Firing Points:

    Range Distance:


    Get Directions

    Status: OPEN

    Rifle Range: Yes

    Firing Points: 5

    Range Distance: 100 Yds


    Handgun Range: Yes

    Firing Points: 2/2

    Range Distance:  10/25 Yds


    Archery Range: No

    Firing Points:

    Range Distance:

    Shotgun Range: No

    Firing Points:

    Range Distance:


    Get Directions

    Status: OPEN

    Rifle Range: Yes

    Firing Points: 1/1/2

    Range Distance: 25/50/100 Yds


    Handgun Range: Yes

    Firing Points:  2/2/2

    Range Distance: 7/10/15 Yds


    Archery Range: Yes

    Firing Points:  2/3/3/2/2

    Range Distance:  10/20/30/40/50 Yds

    Shotgun Patterning Range: Yes

    Firing Points:  1/1

    Range Distance:  20/30 Yds


    Get Directions

    Status: OPEN

    Rifle Range: Yes

    Firing Points: 2/4

    Range Distance: 50/100 Yds


    Handgun Range: Yes

    Firing Points: 3/3

    Range Distance: 15/25 Yds


    Archery Range: Yes

    Firing Points: 1/2/1/1/1

    Range Distance:  10/20/30/40/50 Yds

    Shotgun Range: No

    Firing Points:

    Range Distance:


    Get Directions

    Status: OPEN

    Rifle Range: Yes

    Firing Points: 6

    Range Distance: 100 Yds


    Handgun Range: Yes

    Firing Points: 4/4

    Range Distance: 7/10 Yds


    Archery Range: No

    Firing Points:

    Range Distance:

    Shotgun Range: No

    Firing Points:

    Range Distance:


    Get Directions

    Status: OPEN

    Rifle Range: Yes

    Firing Points: 6

    Range Distance: 100 Yds


    Second Rifle Range:  Yes

    Firing Points:  1/4

    Range Distance:  50/100 Yds


    Pistol Range: Yes

    Firing Points: 3

    Range Distance: 25 Yds


    Archery Range: No

    Firing Points:

    Range Distance:

    Shotgun Range: No

    Firing Points:

    Range Distance:


    Get Directions

    Northcentral Region Shooting Ranges

    Status: OPEN

    Rifle Range: Yes

    Firing Points: 25

    Range Distance: 200 Yds


    Handgun Range: Yes

    Firing Points: 25

    Range Distance: 50 Yds 


    Archery Range: Yes

    Firing Points: 11

    Range Distance: 10/20/30/40/50


    Shotgun Patterning Range: Yes

    Firing Points: 0

    Range Distance: 40 Yds

    Shotgun Clay Range: Yes


    Get Directions

    Status: CLOSED

    Rifle Range: Yes

    Firing Points: 6

    Range Distance: 100 Yds


    Handgun Range: No

    Firing Points:

    Range Distance:


    Archery Range: No

    Firing Points:

    Range Distance:


    Shotgun Range: No

    Firing Points:

    Range Distance:


    Get Directions

    Southcentral Region Shooting Ranges

    Status: OPEN

    Rifle Range: Yes

    Firing Points: 9

    Range Distance: 300 Yds


    Handgun Range: Yes

    Firing Points: 25

    Range Distance: 25 Yds 


    Archery Range: Yes

    Firing Points: 12

    Range Distance: 10/20/30/40/50


    Shotgun Range: No

    Firing Points: 

    Range Distance:


    Get Directions

    Status: OPEN

    Rifle Range: Yes

    Firing Points: 8

    Range Distance: 100 Yds


    Handgun Range: Yes

    Firing Points: 12

    Range Distance: 50 Yds


    Archery Range: No

    Firing Points:

    Range Distance:


    Shotgun Range: No

    Firing Points:

    Range Distance:


    Get Directions

    Northeast Region Shooting Ranges

    Status: OPEN

    NOTICE: Will be closed starting June 26,2023 for a construction project to improve the entryway to the range.

    Rifle Range: Yes

    Firing Points: 7

    Range Distance: 100/200/300 Yds


    Handgun Range: Yes

    Firing Points: 11

    Range Distance: 25/50 Yds


    Archery Range: No

    Firing Points: 

    Range Distance:


    Shotgun Range: No

    Firing Points: 

    Range Distance: 


    Get Directions

    Status: OPEN

    Rifle Range: Yes

    Firing Points: 7

    Range Distance: 50/100 Yds


    Handgun Range: Yes

    Firing Points:

    Range Distance: 10/15/25 Yds


    Archery Range: No

    Firing Points:

    Range Distance:


    Shotgun Range: No

    Firing Points:

    Range Distance:


    Get Directions

    Status: OPEN ( Temporary Closure -  SGL 300 shotgun/claybird shooting area will be closed from Monday, March 24th through Friday, March 28th )

    Rifle Range: Yes

    Firing Points: 17

    Range Distance: 50/100/200 Yds


    Handgun Range: Yes

    Firing Points:

    Range Distance: 10/25 Yds


    Archery Range: No

    Firing Points:

    Range Distance:


    Shotgun Patterning Range: Yes

    Firing Points: 0

    Range Distance: 40 Yds


    Get Directions

    Status: OPEN

    Rifle Range: Yes

    Firing Points: 10

    Range Distance: 50/100 Yds


    Handgun Range: No

    Firing Points: 

    Range Distance: 


    Archery Range: No

    Firing Points:

    Range Distance:


    Shotgun Range: No

    Firing Points: 

    Range Distance:


    Get Directions

    Status: OPEN

    Rifle Range: Yes

    Firing Points: 10

    Range Distance: 50/75/100 Yds


    Handgun Range: Yes

    Firing Points: 8

    Range Distance: 25 Yds


    Archery Range: No

    Firing Points:

    Range Distance:


    Shotgun Range: No

    Firing Points: 

    Range Distance:


    Get Directions

    Status: OPEN

    Rifle Range: Yes

    Firing Points: 12

    Range Distance: 50/100 Yds


    Handgun Range: Yes

    Firing Points: 12

    Range Distance: 10/25 Yds


    Archery Range: No

    Firing Points:

    Range Distance:


    Shotgun Range: No

    Firing Points: 

    Range Distance:


    Get Directions

    Status: OPEN

    Rifle Range: Yes

    Firing Points: 11

    Range Distance: 100 Yds


    Handgun Range: Yes

    Firing Points: 6

    Range Distance: 25/50 Yds


    Archery Range: No

    Firing Points:

    Range Distance:


    Shotgun Range: Yes

    Firing Points: Clay / Patterning

    Range Distance:


    Get Directions

    Status: OPEN

    Rifle Range: No

    Firing Points:

    Range Distance:


    Handgun Range: No

    Firing Points:

    Range Distance:


    Archery Range: Yes

    Firing Points: 15 

    Range Distance: 10/20/30/40/50​​


    Shotgun Range: No

    Firing Points: 

    Range Distance:


    Get Directions

    Southeast Region Shooting Ranges

    Status: OPEN

    Rifle Range: Yes

    Firing Points: 10

    Range Distance: 50/100 Yds


    Handgun Range: No

    Firing Points:

    Range Distance:


    Archery Range: No

    Firing Points:

    Range Distance:


    Shotgun PatterningRange: No

    Firing Points:

    Range Distance:


    Get Directions

    Status: OPEN

    Rifle Range: Yes

    Firing Points: 12

    Range Distance: 25/50/100 Yds


    Handgun Range: Yes

    Firing Points: 8

    Range Distance: 5/10 Yds


    Archery Range: No

    Firing Points:

    Range Distance:


    Shotgun Patterning Range: Yes

    Firing Points: 2

    Range Distance: 20/40 Yds


    Get Directions

    Status: OPEN

    Rifle Range: Yes

    Firing Points: 8

    Range Distance: 25/50/100 Yds


    Handgun Range: No

    Firing Points:

    Range Distance:


    Archery Range: No

    Firing Points:

    Range Distance:


    Shotgun Patterning Range: No

    Firing Points:

    Range Distance:


    Get Directions

    Status: OPEN

    Rifle Range: Yes

    Firing Points: 13

    Range Distance: 25/50/100 Yds


    Handgun Range: Yes

    Firing Points: 8

    Range Distance: 7/10 Yds


    Archery Range: Yes

    Firing Points: Various

    Range Distance: 10/20/30/40/50


    Shotgun Patterning Range: Yes

    Firing Points: 2

    Range Distance: 25/35 Yds

    Shotgun Clay Range: Yes


    Get Directions

    Status: OPEN

    Rifle Range: No

    Firing Points:

    Range Distance:


    Handgun Range: No

    Firing Points:

    Range Distance:


    Archery Range: Yes

    Firing Points: 8

    Range Distance: 10/20/30/40/50


    Shotgun Patterning Range: No

    Firing Points:

    Range Distance:


    Get Directions

    Status: OPEN

    Rifle Range: No

    Firing Points:

    Range Distance:


    Handgun Range: No

    Firing Points:

    Range Distance:


    Archery Range: Yes

    Firing Points: 12

    Range Distance: 10/20/30/40+


    Shotgun Patterning Range: No

    Firing Points:

    Range Distance:


    Get Directions

    Status: OPEN

    Rifle Range: Yes

    Firing Points: 13

    Range Distance: 100 Yds


    Handgun Range: Yes

    Firing Points:

    Range Distance:


    Archery Range: Yes

    Firing Points: Various

    Range Distance: 10/20/30/40/50


    Shotgun Patterning Range: Yes

    Firing Points: 0

    Range Distance: 40 Yds


    Get Directions