District 5 Projects

Route 209 Bridge over an unnamed tributary to Schuylkill River Bridge Replacement

Project Overview

County: Schuylkill County
State Route(s): U.S. 209
Local Name(s): N/A

Project Type
Bridge Replacement

The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) announces a Plans Display and Project Presentation for the Route 209 Bridge Replacement project in Blythe Township, Schuylkill County. The project involves the replacement of the bridge carrying Route 209 over an unnamed tributary to the Schuylkill River.

The substructure consists of reinforced concrete abutments with integral wing walls. The superstructure exhibits heavy spalling with exposed reinforcement and severe section loss. Both abutments exhibit spalling, cracking, and scouring. The existing structure has deteriorated to a level where the bridge needs to be replaced.

The 15-foot-long, 35.5-foot-wide Route 209 bridge was constructed in 1917, widened in 1949, and has an average daily traffic volume of 5,695 vehicles.

The proposed replacement structure is a 16-foot-long, 40-foot-wide precast concrete box culvert with wing walls. The roadway approaches will be reconstructed, and a new guide rail will be installed. The project is anticipated to maintain the existing roadway and stream alignment. The construction of the culvert in stages is anticipated to maintain traffic.

The project is anticipated to be constructed in 2027. All schedules are subject to change.​​

The project is currently in design, and you have the opportunity to review the information and provide comments. The virtual plans display will be available to view online from December 4, 2024, to January 4, 2025.

The purpose of the plans display is to introduce the project and receive public input regarding any questions or concerns with the project.

For more information on projects occurring or being bid this year, those made possible by or accelerated by the state transportation funding plan (Act 89), or those on the department’s Four and Twelve Year Plans, visit Projects Near You | Department of Transportation | Commonwealth of Pennsylvania


The project documents can be made available in alternative languages or formats if requested. If you need translation/interpretation services, special needs, or special concerns requiring individual attention, please contact PennDOT Project Manager Laura Montgomery, at c-lmontgom@pa.gov or 717-461-7908. 

According to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, PennDOT does not discriminate based on race, color, national origin, gender, age, or disability. Suppose you feel that you have been denied the benefits o, or participation in a PennDOT program or activity. In that case, you may contact the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, Bureau of Equal Opportunity, DBE/Title VI Division at 717-787-5891 or 800-468-4201. 

Contact Information

Consultant Project Manager
Laura Montgomery