District 8 Projects - Lancaster County

Franklin Road over Strickler Run Bridge Preservation Project

Project Status

Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3:

Step 4:

Public Outreach

Virtual Plans Display

​The virtual plans display will be available online from March 5, 2025 through April 5, 2025.

Public Comment Period

The public comment period, where the community is encouraged to respond with questions and concerns will be from March 5, 2025 through April 5, 2025.

Project Overview

County: Lancaster
Municipality: West Hempfiled Township
State Route: Route 3036-005
Local Name: Franklin Road over Strickler Run
Project Type: Bridge Preservation
Proposed Construction Start: Spring 2027
Proposed Construction End: Summer 2027
Last Updated: March 2025

The SR 3036, Section 005 bridge preservation project is located along SR 3036 (Franklin Road) over Strickler Run in West Hempfield Township, Lancaster County. The purpose of this project is to extend the life of the bridge and provide continued access on SR 3036 (Franklin Road) over Strickler Run.

The existing structure was built in 1986 and is a single-span spread box beam bridge supported on full-height concrete abutments at a 60-degree skew. The bridge length is approximately 27.5 feet, measured center-center of bearings.

The existing bridge deck has several minor longitudinal cracks and random cracking fine to hairline cracking present on the wearing surface. Fine map cracking is visible on the left shoulder area and shrinkage cracking is present on most of the deck surface. The substructure is in satisfactory condition with minor scour issues. The abutment footings are exposed up to 2 feet. The primary focus of the preservation project is to repair the reinforced concrete deck and to remediate the existing scour along the abutments. The top of deck will first be scarified and a 1 ¼” thick latex modified concrete (LMC) overlay will be installed on top. Rock will be placed along both abutments and along the channel at the far-left bridge corner and channel migration areas in order to mitigate the existing scour and prevent future scour from occurring.

This section of Franklin Road has an average daily traffic volume of 831 vehicles per day.

The bridge will be closed for approximately 2-3 weeks to all traffic during construction. The proposed 4.7-mile detour will utilize PA Route 462 and SR 3017 (Central Manor Road). Please refer to the project’s Detour Plan graphic. Access to all driveways within the project limits will be maintained during construction. Overhead utilities are present at the site and utility relocations are currently not anticipated.

The project is currently in design, and construction work is anticipated to begin in Spring 2027 and last approximately 2 months.

The purpose of the plans display is to introduce the project and solicit public input, questions, or concerns regarding the project.

Contact Information

Diane Crispino
Project Manager

David M. Thompson
Media Contact
(717) 787-1446


The project documents can be made available in alternative languages or formats if requested. If you need translation or interpretation services, have special needs, or have concerns that require individual attention, please contact the PennDOT Project Manager listed above.

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