Site Facts
Upper Makefield, Bucks County
Mt. Eyre Manor Neighborhood Wells
What Happened
On January 31, 2025, Energy Transfer confirmed that its pipeline had leaked petroleum, contaminating six wells in the Mt. Eyre Manor neighborhood in Upper Makefield Township.
DEP’s Response
The federal government has primary jurisdiction related to operation of the pipeline itself under the Pipeline Safety Act. At the state level, DEP has been closely involved with water testing and remediation and will continue to stand with residents until the cleanup is complete.
Third party environmental consultants – working under DEP oversight – have conducted over 447 water tests at impacted homes, testing well water for petroleum contamination. To date, treatment systems have been installed at 42 residences, six of which had results above drinking water standards for petroleum products and with detectable contamination at other residences. And at least 102 more treatment systems are scheduled to be installed. The point-of-entry treatment (POET) filtration systems that have been installed are designed to remove all contaminants from drinking water, ensuring residents can have access to clean water in their homes.
On March 6, 2025, the Shapiro Administration issued an order directing Energy transfer to continue providing bottled water to affected residents and sample and maintain the treatment systems that have been installed on homes. Additionally, DEP has required Energy Transfer to submit a long-term cleanup plan and set up a way for affected residents and the community to access cleanup plans. Under the order, Energy Transfer must also provide a point of contact for residents to ask questions and give feedback.
DEP participated in four public meetings (February 4, 6, 13, and 27, 2025) with Upper Makefield Township, the PA Department of Health, the federal Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA), Energy Transfer, and the Bucks County Health Department to respond to residents’ questions and concerns. In the public meetings, DEP gave a summary of our involvement which includes addressing resident’s complaints, providing oversight of the supply well sampling, reviewing sampling plans and sampling results, and communicating with agency partners.
PHMSA issued a Notice of Proposed Safety Order on February 13, 2025, which requires a reduction on operating pressure of the pipeline as well as responses for requests of documentation.
DEP receives daily updates from Energy Transfer, participates in weekly meetings with Energy Transfer, and weekly meetings with the PADOH and PHMSA. DEP has responded to over a dozen resident calls and complaints, and we have performed seven site visits.
Water Quality
DEP’s Environmental Cleanup and Brownfields program staff are overseeing hydrology testing on site to characterize the subsurface affected area and better understand groundwater flow, which will help inform Energy Transfer’s longer-term remediation plan.
DEP conducted stream assessments and water chemistry sampling of three tributaries in the vicinity of the release: Dyers Creek, Houghs Creek, and an unnamed tributary. Water chemistry sampling was also conducted at 3 locations on the Delaware Canal, directly downstream of Dyers Creek and the unnamed tributary and above Houghs Creek. Please note Houghs Creek does not enter the Canal but discharges directly to the Delaware River. Samples will be analyzed by DEP’s Bureau of Laboratories and the final results will be made available as soon as possible.
Background Inspections and Reports
January 9, 2025 (PDF) DEP field staff conducted an inspection to try to identify where petroleum odors were detected at various homes on Glenwood Drive and Walker Road.
January 23, 2025 (PDF) DEP field staff conducting sampling of a homeowners well.
February 4, 2025 (PDF) DEP field staff conducted an inspection at Glenwood Drive to observe work being conducted by Sunoco.
February 7, 2025 (PDF) DEP field staff conducted an inspection after receiving an odor complaint.
February 13, 2025 (PDF) Energy transfer submitted their Act 2 Notice of Intent to Remediate
February 14, 2025 (PDF) DEP field staff conducted an inspection at Glenwood Drive to observe work conducted by Groundwater Environmental Science (GES).
February 18, 2025 (PDF) DEP issued a Notice of Violation for the pipeline discharge to waters of the Commonwealth in violations of the Clean Streams Law.
March 5, 2025 (PDF) Energy Transfer's letter responding to the Notice of Violation
What are the Chemicals of Concern?
Potential fuels released from the leak were “Jet A” fuel, diesel, and gasoline. These contaminants are complex mixtures that have many different chemicals present. They are primarily composed of hydrocarbons.
The PA Department of Health created a fact sheet with additional information.
Report an Environmental Health Concern
Bucks County Residents with an environmental health concern are encouraged to contact the Bucks County Office of Public Health.
Pennsylvanians with environmental health related questions can contact the PA Department of Health (PA DOH), where they will be evaluated and referred to an appropriate program area for potential investigation and follow-up.
Contact Information
DEP Site-Related Questions:
Contact our ECB Program
DEP Community and Media Relations:
Stephanie Berardi,
Regional Communications Manager :
484-250-5808 or
DEP Legislative Inquiries:
Lisa Strobridge P.G.,
Local Government Liaison
484-250-5817 or
Municipality Information:
Upper Makefield Township | Bucks County PA