
​Bureau of Watershed Restoration and Nonpoint Source Management

DEP’s Bureau of Watershed Restoration and Nonpoint Source Management (BWRNSM) works with state and local partners to improve, protect, and restore local water quality statewide and within the Chesapeake Bay watershed.

BWRNSM partners with conservation districts to provide liaison and operational support and to implement statewide agricultural and other nonpoint source pollution prevention programs. BWRNSM also provides grants to conservation districts and community organizations to implement conservation practices.

BWRNSM Mission

Provide support, coordination, and overall guidance and execution of watershed restoration and nonpoint source management programs, including but not limited to, being responsible for the administration of several grant programs, compliance efforts for agricultural operations, and providing support for the conservation districts through cooperative working relationships Commonwealth wide.

Ensure the proper development, implementation and coordination of the Commonwealth’s efforts for implementation of Chesapeake Bay restoration initiatives.

Who We Are

BWRNSM is made up of passionate and dedicated environmental professionals located in the DEP Headquarters as well as Regional Offices. These environmental professionals are comprised of program specialists and biologists; watershed managers; conservation district field representatives; environmental managers; public administrators; and administrative support staff.

What BWRNSM Does

The staff at BWRNSM work to ensure that partners are provided opportunities to achieve real on-the-ground results.  We know that input leads to buy-in, buy-in leads to action, and action leads to results. Working directly with local leaders and organizations allows for an incredible partnership between the state and local entities.

BWRNSM Principles

BWRNSM’s work is guided by five key actions:  

  • Communication – Communicating with local partners and grantees is essential for programs to lead to on-the-ground success.
  • Support – Supporting conservation districts and partnering organizations through responsiveness to their needs creates a strong foundation for water quality improvement, restoration, and protection.
  • Leadership – Leading partners and pulling together experts from federal, state, and local agencies and taking decisive action to facilitate on-the-ground results.
    Coordination – Coordinating nonpoint source pollution prevention activities through the Chesapeake Bay Watershed and statewide to identify opportunities and solutions to pinch-points
  • Guidance – Guiding partners and providing the resources they need to assist them in achieving their goals


BWRNSM values include:  

  • Connecting, collaborating, and cooperating to build on historic water quality improvement.
  • Continuously implementing, assessing, and improving nonpoint source pollution prevention and watershed restoration policies and programs that have watershed-wide and state-wide significance.
  • Supporting Department and other state agency programs that lead to water quality improvement, restoration, and protection.
  • Helping conservation districts and watershed organizations with their operational and financial needs.
Bureau of Watershed Restoration and Nonpoint Source Management