Energy Programs Office

Energy Efficiency, Environment, and Economics (E4) Initiative

The Energy Efficiency, Environment & Economics (E4) Initiative builds upon the DEP Energy Programs Office’s (EPO) experience in working with and administering programs for energy efficiency within the industrial and large commercial sectors and a desire to do more to assist these sectors with energy management, which leads to cost savings, operational efficiencies, and enhanced sustainability. EPO has often focused on the commercial and industrial sectors by delivering technical assistance in various forms, including: providing low-cost contracted onsite Level 2 ASHRAE energy audits for manufacturers and peer-to-peer forums. We also have helped develop and promote financial assistance programs offered through PEDA, DCED, and the DEP Small Business Ombudsman’s Office. EPO also partners with utilities and the PUC on Act 129 implementation.

Based on recommendations provided to DEP through a gap analysis provided by the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy, E4 priorities include:

  1. Workforce development for energy efficiency and energy management
  2. Agricultural/dairy sector energy efficiency outreach
  3. Development of more effective marketing of programs and an energy efficiency resource website
  4. Expansion of technical assistance workshops for the industrial and commercial sectors

E4 Steering Committee

DEP has also convened a steering committee to discuss the E4 Initiative and will continue to coordinate with our partners to facilitate a more effective approach to energy efficiency outreach for the commercial, agricultural, and manufacturing sectors. The E4 steering committee is comprised of representatives from state agencies, utilities, technical assistance providers, industrial resource centers, and other manufacturing stakeholders. Virtual meetings are held quarterly to discuss existing technical and financial assistance programs for the industrial and commercial sectors and other opportunities for industrial energy efficiency. If interested in joining the steering committee, please contact Michelle Ferguson, Energy Program Specialist, at