Air Program
Division of Permits
- Develops policy and guidance on permitting activities required by the Clean Air Act and Air Pollution Control Act.
- Oversees regional permitting activities for consistency and uniformity.
- Provides assistance on pollution control technology determinations.
- Develops policy on air toxics and risk assessment.
- Phone: (717) 783-9476.
- E-mail: Viren Trivedi
New Source Review Section
- Assists in the implementation of New Source Review(NSR)/Prevention of Significant Deterioration(PSD) and other permitting regulations.
- Develops and provides guidance and oversight for the new Title V operating permit program.
- Coordinates with other Department permitting programs.
- Phone: (717) 772-3979.
- E-mail: Sean Wenrich
Technical Support Section
- Participates in all activities involving control technology determinations.
- Develops comprehensive air permitting criteria documents for various source categories.
- Assists regions in making determinations of Reasonably Available Control Technology(RACT), Best Available Technology(BAT), Best Available Control Technology(BACT), Maximum Achievable Control Technology(MACT), and Lowest Achievable Emission Rate(LAER).
- Phone: (717) 787-2856.
- E-mail: Naishad (Nash) Bhatt
Air Quality Modeling Section
- Conducts Air Dispersion Modeling.
- Conducts PSD Modeling Requirements & Analysis.
- Forecasts Air Quality Index for portions of the State.
- Develops attainment demonstration plans for nonattainment areas.
- Phone: (717) 783-9243
- E-mail: Andrew Fleck