Programs and Services

Grants, Loans, and Rebates

If your environmental improvement project needs funding, DEP can help. We offer 50 plus grant and rebate programs to support a range of projects to improve or protect the water, land, and air in Pennsylvania.

Your scope may be your local community. It may be statewide. Your focus may be as broad as climate change or as specific as LED lighting installation. Your project might need a little funding, or a lot. Whatever your project parameters, one of our funding programs may be able to help. Over decades, DEP has supported many thousands of environmental projects across the state through widely recognized grant programs, such as Growing Greener, and also more specialized programs.

The majority of funding programs support projects by schools, nonprofit organizations, and government agencies. We also have six programs that support businesses small and large, and for residents, the popular Alternative Fuel Vehicle Rebate supports the purchase of clean-energy cars and trucks. In addition, some programs give extra consideration to applicants in environmental justice areas. 

Additional Resources

Pennsylvania's State Grants Website

Here you can find all grants offered by the Commonwealth in one location, including those issued by DEP

Enterprise eGrants System Website

Login to the Enterprise eGrants System website to submit grant applications online

Projects funded by DEP grants
Photos: Bennett Branch Watershed Association acid mine drainage cleanup project, Sinnemahoning Creek Bennett Branch, Growing Greener Grant recipient; Green Playces student ambassadors project, Pittsburgh, Environmental Education Grant recipient; City of Harrisburg electric car charging stations project, Driving PA Forward Grant recipient. Above: City of Altoona stormwater management project, Growing Greener Grant recipient.

Grantee/Vendor Assistance

For Grantee/Vendor assistance related to Vendor Number: 
Help & Resources

For Self Service Payment Lookup/Audit Confirmation: 

DEP Notice of Non-Discrimination: 
Non-Discrimination Information

Investment Tracker

For a listing of awarded grants, please see DEP’s Investment Tracker*

*Currently, DEP’s Investment Tracker is only displaying information for grants awarded using the Electronic Single Application system. Dates of inclusion in this system will vary by grant program. Historic data for all awards not contained in this current report will be added in the near future.

Funding Programs

Programs accept applications at different times throughout the year. Most applications are submitted online through the Enterprise eGrants System Applications.

Use this list to find information on application periods, eligibility, where to apply, and other details for all grant programs managed by the DEP Grants Office. For more general questions, call the Grants Office at (717) 705-5400. For issues related to completing the online application (non-specific to the grant program itself), please contact the Enterprise eGrants Customer Service Center at 833-448-0647 or by e-mail at

Grant Lists By Organization Type

Programs Accepting Applications Now

The following grant and rebate programs are open for applications:

Small Business Advantage GrantCloses March 28, 2025, unless funding exhausted earlier
901 County Planning Grants/HHW/Battery Management GrantsOpen year round
WIIN 2107:  (School Lead Testing)Open until funding is exhausted
Alternative Fuel Vehicle Rebates
Open as funding permits
Reducing Industrial Sector Emissions in Pennsylvania (RISE PA)Closes August 29, 2025
Orphan Well Plugging GrantOpen until funding is exhausted
Pollution Prevention Reimbursement GrantOpen year round
Underground Storage Tank Heating Oil CleanupOpen year round
Application Siting Review Municipal/HazardousOpen year round
Driving PA Forward OnRoad Rebate
Open until funding is exhausted
Household Hazardous Waste Collection Grant
Open year round
903 County Recycling Coordinator GrantsCloses April 30, 2025


The Department of Environmental Protection values working with partners who share our view that diversity and equity are integral to success in restoring and protecting the environment for all Pennsylvanians. As we work to demonstrably improve the inclusivity of our programs and processes, we also encourage our partners to pursue increased inclusivity in their operations. In this way, Pennsylvania's natural resources are best protected as "the common property of all the people," as identified in our state constitution.