- Develops regulations, policies, and guidance necessary to implement requirements of the federal Clean Air Act (CAA) and the Pennsylvania Air Pollution Control Act (APCA).
- Develops strategies and programs to address interstate transport issues.
- Develops State Implementation Plans.
- Work with regional and national groups on the development and implementation of stationary and area source emission reduction strategies.
- Phone: (717) 772-3436
- E-mail: Kirit Dalal
- E-mail: Susan Hoyle, Regulatory Coordinator
Mobile Sources Section
- Works with PennDOT to implement vehicle emissions inspection/maintenance programs.
- Implements voluntary and pilot programs to reduce pollution from cars, trucks and offroad sources.
- Works with metropolitan planning agencies to ensure transportation projects are consistent with air quality plans.
- Works with national and regional groups on other mobile source issues such as improved gasoline and diesel fuels.
- Phone: (717) 787-9492
- E-mail: Brian Trowbridge
Stationary Sources Section
- Prepares projected stationary source SIP Inventories.
- Develops regulations for stationary and area sources.
- Develops and administers programs that reduce interstate transport of pollutants.
- Coordinates the activities of the Air Quality Technical Advisory Committee.
- Phone: (717) 772-3921
- E-mail: Vacant