The Bureau of Mining Programs administers the environmental regulatory program for all coal and noncoal mining activities in Pennsylvania. BMP also develops policy, documents, regulations, and technical guidance, and compiles scientific analysis and statistical reporting in support of DEP's mine permitting, licensing and compliance operations. Its mission is to ensure environmentally responsible mining practices and adequate land reclamation during and following the mining process.
Gregory Greenfield
The Office of the Director
Rachel Carson State Office Building
P.O. Box 8461
Harrisburg, PA 17105-8461
- Program Updates
- Surface Coal Mining
- Noncoal/Industrial Minerals
- Noncoal FAQ
- Underground Coal Mining
- Effects of Bituminous Underground Mining (Act 54)
- Beneficial Use of Coal Ash
- BMP GP-104 (NPDES for stormwater)
- ePermitting and eDMR
- Blasting Training and Explosives Regulations
- Bonding
- Environmental Good Samaritan Act
- Areas Unsuitable for Mining Program
- Mine Map Grant (MMG) Program - Processing of mine maps into electronic format for incorporation into Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
- Reports - Yearly reports on operations, safety, and fees
Mine Employment and Production Reports are due for all operatorsfor calendar year 2024 by January 21, 2025. Please see the following links for additional information:
Mine Employment and Production Report (Downloadable Form and Instructions)
Annual Production Reports (ePermitting)
Act 54 Yearly Data
Unsuitable for Surface Mining
Blasting and Explosives
BMP GP-104
Coal Ash Beneficial Use
Environmental Good Samaritan Act
Fact Sheets
Mining Reports
Noncoal/Industrial Minerals Mining
Noncoal Mines and Quarries FAQ
PA Mining History
Permitting and Technical Section
Program Updates
Surface Coal Mining
Underground Coal Mining
Water Supply Replacement and Compliance