Background Information
This website was developed to assist operators, service companies, and any supporting industries/businesses. Please feel free to submit additional questions or comments relevant to the oil and gas regulatory framework in Pennsylvania.
- Individual Permit FAQ (PDF)
- DEP Notifications and eSubmission FAQ (PDF) *updated 1/13/17
- eWell FAQ (PDF) *updated 1/13/17
- Chapter 78a FAQ (PDF)
- Act 13 of 2012 FAQ (PDF)
- What do I need to do to become an Oil or Gas Well Operator in Pennsylvania (PDF)
- Transfer of Well Ownership vs. Transfer of Well Permit (PDF)
- 78a.11. Permit requirements (PDF)
- 78a.13. Permit transfers (PDF)
- 78a.15. Application requirements (PDF)
- 78a.17. Permit expiration and renewal (PDF)
- 78a.19. Permit application fee schedule (PDF)
- 78a.51. Protection of water supplies (PDF)
- 78a.52. Predrilling or prealteration survey (PDF)
- 78a.52a. Area of review (PDF) *updated 12/23/2016
- 78a.55. Control and disposal planning; emergency response for unconventional wells (PDF)
- 78a.56. Temporary storage (PDF)
- 78a.57. Control, storage and disposal of production fluids (PDF) *updated 04/27/2017
- 78a.58. Onsite Processing (PDF)
- 78a.59a. Impoundment embankments (PDF)
- 78a.59b. Well development impoundments (PDF)
- 78a.59c. Centralized impoundments (PDF)
- 78a.60. Discharge requirements (PDF)
- 78a.61. Disposal of drill cuttings (PDF)
- 78a.63. Disposal of residual waste—land application (PDF)
- 78a.63a. Alternative waste management (PDF)
- 78a.64. Secondary containment around oil and condensate tanks (PDF) *updated 04/27/2017
- 78a.64a. Secondary containment (PDF) *updated 04/27/2017
- 78a.65. Site restoration (PDF) *updated 07/1/2021
- 78a.66. Reporting and remediating spills and releases (PDF) *updated 04/21/2021
- 78a.67. Borrow pits (PDF)
- 78a.68. Oil and gas gathering pipelines (PDF)
- 78a.68b. Well development pipelines for oil and gas operations (PDF)
- 78a.69. Water management plans (PDF)
- Questions and Responses Arranged by Chapter 78 Section (PDF)
- Due Diligence for Drilling a Well (PDF)
- 78a.73. General provision for well construction and operation (PDF) *updated 12/23/2016
- FAQ: Plugging activities and Presumption of Liability for Pollution of Water Supplies (PDF)
- FAQ: Well Drilling, Operation and Plugging Contractor Support