- A Citizen's Guide to the Mining Permit Application Process
- A Guide to Water Supply Replacement and Subsidence Damage Repair
- Mine Subsidence Insurance (Flyer)
- Pennsylvania Blaster's License Training Manual
- Surface Coal Mining and Your Water Supply (Flyer)
- Bituminous Mine Subsidence and Land Conservation Act - Surface Owner Rights and Responsibilities Summary
- Illustrated Effects of Mine Subsidence
Act 54 Yearly Data
Unsuitable for Surface Mining
Blasting and Explosives
BMP GP-104
Coal Ash Beneficial Use
Environmental Good Samaritan Act
Fact Sheets
Noncoal/Industrial Minerals Mining
Mining Reports
Noncoal Mines and Quarries FAQ
PA Mining History
Permitting and Technical Section
Program Updates
Surface Coal Mining
Underground Coal Mining
Water Supply Replacement and Compliance
Mining Programs