Coal-fired power plants with SCR are existing Title V major sources. They have operating permits under 25 Pa. Code Chapter 127 Subchapters F and G. As a result, not only are the RACT II Rule compliance demonstration and recordkeeping requirements under § 129.100 applicable, but the existing monitoring, reporting, and recordkeeping requirements within that permit are applicable as well.
Coal-Fired Power Plants with SCR Title V Permits (Including Record Keeping Provisions)
- First Energy Generation LLC, Bruce Mansfield Plt (PDF) (Closed)
- Keystone Conemaugh Project LLC
- Conemaugh Station (PDF)
- Keystone Station (PDF)
- Homer City Generation LP, Center Twp (PDF) (Closed)
- Montour LLC, Montour SES (PDF)
- GenOn Power Midwest LP, Cheswick Generating Station (PDF) (Demolished June 2, 2023)