Addressing PA’s aging transportation infrastructure is a priority to meet current and future needs in the Commonwealth. RPCO works closely with both of Pennsylvania’s Transportation Agencies – The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) and the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission (PTC).
The demands for permitting for PennDOT bridge and roadway related work led to a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between PennDOT and DEP to fund and designate staff to help deal with the matter. This staffing complement started off with a handful of biologists in the mid 90's and has today evolved to 13 technical staff and a transportation coordinator. In 2019, shortly after the formation of RPCO, the Pa Turnpike Commission followed in PennDOT's footsteps and created their own MOU which funds two designated staff and partially funds the transportation coordinator.
Distribution of Transportation-Designated Staff (2020)
The aforementioned designated staff provide permitting services for Ch. 102 and Ch. 105. Each region has one engineer and one biologist to handle PennDOT permitting projects. RPCO has one engineer and one biologist to handle PTC permitting projects. RPCO also has one engineer (i.e. floater) to assist with PennDOT permitting projects on a statewide basis according to need. The Transportation Coordinator, also a statewide position, is housed in RPCO and is funded by both PennDOT and PTC.
Contact Information
PA Department of Environmental Protection
Regional Permit Coordination Office
400 Market Street
10th Floor Rachel Carson State Office Building
Harrisburg, PA 17101
Phone: 717-772-5987
- Handled Regionally
- Contact Info for PennDOT Funded Staff can be found through the respective Regional Office Waterways and Wetlands Program, alternatively you may contact RPCO
- Utilize KEES for Submissions and processing of Chapter 105 Permits
- Project Consultation and Submissions
- Transportation FAQ
- Handled Centrally by RPCO
- Contact PTC Funded Staff in RPCO
- Utilize OnBase or ePermitting for Submissions
- Project Consultation and Submissions