Water Supplier Quotes on the Filter Plant Performance Evaluation Program

"It is a great program that brings an independent, professional, objective group into your facility that is desirable in evaluating the performance of your plant and making constructive comments. The evaluation provides additional information that is not normally available and the process helps in obtaining improvements in the plant."

Dave DiNicola
Former Plant Manager
Greater Johnstown Water Authority


"The exchanging of information and findings insures an understanding of existing problems and aids in making changes to promote better plant operation. In general, all information is very helpful for determining if improvements in treatment performance can be achieved without capital improvements."

Rich Thomas
Former Manager
Municipal Authority of the Borough of Derry


"The FPPE process shows that there is room for improvement in your filtering process even though you think your processes are pretty good. The data provided by the Microscopic Particulate Analysis and particle counters are not normally available to an operator and provides information that can help you fine tune your system."

Brian Beskett
Former Water Quality Supervisor
Municipal Authority of Westmoreland County, Sweeney Plant


"Being a relatively new operator I didn't know quite what to expect from the FPPE. The team arrived with various monitoring equipment and spent two days testing the water, filters, backwash and my testing equipment. The end result was very beneficial…they pointed out some discrepancies in the way I was performing certain procedures and made sure my equipment was calibrated correctly. Overall the evaluation was very good and I learned allot of information to help me produce a better product."

Steve Wyatt
Former Operator
Gifford Pinchot State Park


"Overall, the FPPE process worked extremely well for our filter plant. The FPPE individuals took the time to explain turbidity optimization goals and the importance of doing better than regulatory requirements. The FPPE enabled us to take full advantage of the Operator Outreach program, including a particle counter loan, which provided us with additional filter performance data. We are now very proud to say that we consistently meet turbidity optimization goals and have eliminated excess turbidity spikes."

Harry Hoover
Former Vice President/Director of Physical Plant & Public Works
Buck Hill Water Co.


"The Filter Plant Performance Evaluations conducted at our plant have met their objective of being assistance based toward improving plant performance. The plant processes have performed very well, but the evaluation tools used by DEP such as particle counting , MPA, and filter inspections provided us with further insight. We've realized the value of these evaluation tools. As a result of the FPPE, all of our inline monitoring equipment was upgraded, particle counting equipment was added, as well as new computer data collection software. Overall, the FPPE program has been a positive experience at our plant."

Dan Heffner
Former Superintendent
Huntingdon Borough Water Department


"The Filter Plant Performance Evaluation periodically conducted by DEP has always been a very helpful and informative experience for us. Besides the overall evaluation of the operation of our Filter Plant it gives us the opportunity to ask questions about certain procedures that may help us to improve on what we are already doing or in some instances change the way we conduct certain procedures in our operation. When the FPPE is completed and we receive the final report we look forward to suggestions to change or improve our operation here in Hanover. We will always consider the FPPE to be a valuable part of helping our filtration plant in Hanover produce the best possible water we can for our consumers."

Terry Sterner
Former Filter Plant Supervisor
Hanover Water Filtration Plant


"The FPPE programs end result - meeting optimization goals and producing the best water quality possible - should be what everybody is shooting for. FPPE staff have always been helpful and provided useful information whenever needed. Each evaluation is useful, even though the filter plant is operating well, the FPPE shows me that I can make minor adjustments which further improve performance. I feel we have a good working relationship, and an open exchange of information."

Gino Bruni
Former Chief Plant Operator
Shenandoah Borough Municipal Authority