The Applicant may not construct or modify a public water system without prior approval from DEP. An NCWS Application must be submitted for any eligible new NCWS, modifications to an existing NCWS, or any change of ownership of an NCWS. An NCWS is eligible to submit the NCWS application if the sources of supply for the system are groundwater sources requiring treatment no greater than hypochlorite or ultraviolet light disinfection to reduce total coliform and which otherwise meet all primary MCLs, action levels, and health advisory levels.

An NCWS application should be submitted to the appropriate regional office 60 business days prior to the planned date of operation.

An NCWS that requires treatment for a primary MCL (e.g. nitrates or E. coli) must submit a Public Water Supply Permit Application.

Instructions for completing and submitting the NCWS Application and applicable modules are available in DEP’s e-library. It is only necessary for NCWSs to fill out the modules that are applicable to the proposed modifications or construction.

DEP recommends that a qualified person who is familiar with the water system complete the forms for the application as incomplete or inaccurate information may increase the time needed for approval.

In addition to the application form and modules, the NCWS must provide the following for the NCWS application to be considered administratively complete:

  1. The application fee ($50.00)
  2. A site map that includes:
    • Property lines
    • Buildings
    • Well site(s)
    • Treatment system location
    • Water Lines
    • Sewer Lines
    • On-lot disposal systems (e.g. septic tanks)
  3. A treatment system schematic that includes:
    • All sources
    • All treatment systems
    • Entry point monitoring location(s)
    Example of Treatment Schematic:
  4. Equipment and materials specifications (e.g. equipment schematic, pump specifications, NSF certification, etc.)
  5. An approved Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan (if applicable)
  6. New source sampling results (if new source is involved)

Noncommunity Water System Approval Transfer Applications (Transfer Application) are required for NCWSs that transfer ownership. Transfer Applications are only applicable for NCWSs with existing Noncommunity Approvals that are changing ownership of the system and have no plans to make physical changes to the water system. Separate Noncommunity Approvals are required to construct or modify a public water system.

Applicants should submit the Transfer Application at least 30 days prior to planned opening.

An NCWS that holds a valid public water supply permit and have changed ownership must submit Application for Transfer of Public Water Supply Permit(s) (3900-PM-BSDW0040).