Useful External Links
- American Society of Civil Engineers
- Civil Engineering News Online
- Association of State Dam Safety Officials
- American Rivers
- Legacy Sediment
- NOAA Open Rivers Initiative
- PA Fish and Boat Commission
- United States Society on Dams (USSD)
- Delaware River Basin Commission
- Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency - Flooding and Floodplain Management
- Pennsylvania Department of Community & Economic Development - Floodplain Land Use Assistance Program
- Federal Emergency Management Agency
- Mid-Atlantic River Forecast
- National Association of Flood and Stormwater Management Agencies
- Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency
- Susquehanna River Basin Commission
- NRCS for Information on Emergency Watershed Protection Program
- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
- U.S. Geological Survey
- Index of Designated Stormwater Management Watersheds (PDF)
- Act 167 Stormwater Management Plan Status by DEP Region
- Approved Plans Online
- Handbook of Best Management Practices for Developing Areas How to Order the Handbook
- NOAA's Precipitation Data Frequency Server - Atlas 14 Rainfall Data Pennsylvania Data Map
- Center for Watershed Protection
- Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination: A Guidance Manual for Program Development and Technical Assessments (PDF)
- Guidelines for Development and Implementation of Enviromental Emergency Response Plans -- 400-2200-001
- Pennsylvania Chapter 102 Regulations - Erosion and Sediment Control
- EPA Office of Water - Phase II of the NPDES Stormwater FactSheet Series
- EPA Nonpoint Source Outreach Toolbox